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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  6. A. Yes, you can't. B.Sure.C. No, thank you. D. No, you needn't.

  7. A. Yes, Miss Wu. B. No, I don't. C. Sorry, I don't know. D. No, I don't know.

  8. A. Please go. B. See you later. C. Good idea. D. Bye-bye.

  9. A. No, of course not. B. Yes, I'd love to. C. Yes, please. D.No, I'm not sure.

  10. A. I went for my holiday in August.

  B. I went to Hong Kong.

  C. I went to play football.

  D. I went to school at 6:30.


  11. A. At the cinema. B. In a shop. C. In a library. D. In a school.

  12. A. Sandy's aunt. B. Sandy's father. C. Sandy's uncle. D. Sandy's mother.

  13. A. It's sunny. B. It's windy. C. It's wet. D. It's rainy.

  14. A. Because it's too hot.

  B. Because there is too much noise.

  C. Because it's too wet.

  D. Because there is too much rain.

  15. A. He wants to be a doctor.

  B. He wants to be a teacher.

  C. He wants to be a policeman.

  D. He wants to be a worker.


  16. Mark Twain liked to play jokes on his friends.

  17. Mark Twain went on the train with his friend.

  18. Mark Twain only bought one ticket for himself.

  19. Mark Twain's friend liked lying on the floor under the seat.

  20. Mark Twain's friend was poor. He asked Mark Twain to pay for his ticket.


  I. 选择填空。(共15小题,每题1分,计15分)


  21. -________?

  -It is quite cold.

  A. What's the weather like today

  B. How's the weather like today

  C. What do you think the weather today

  D. How about is today's weather

  22. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose________one.

  A. less expensive

  B. the least expensive

  C. the less expensive

  D. the most expensive

  23. I can't decide which coat ________.

  A. I buy B. to buy it

  C. I bought D. I'll buy

  24. ________ it takes ________to repair a car.

  A. Sometimes; sometime

  B. Sometime; some time

  C. Sometimes; some time

  D. Sometimes; some times

  25. -Would you like to go swimming with me?


  A. I would like B. I'd love

  C. I'd like to do D. I'd love to

  26. There is going to________ a sports meeting next week.

  A. have B. holds C. has D. be

  27. Did anybody stop him from________ onto the train?

  A. getting B. got C. to get D. get

  28. He has________for two years. Two years ________a long time.

  A. left home; are B. left home; is C. been away from home; is D. been away from home; are

  29. I can't find the right size. The shoes in the shop are________ too big______too small.

  A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. not; or

  30. My glasses are broken. I will have to buy________.

  A. a new one B. new ones

  C. another one D. a new pair

  31. If you like the trousers, please______.

  A. try it on B. try on it

  C. try on them D. try them on

  32. That shop sells________shoes and clothes.

  A. women's B. women' C. womens' D. womans'

  33. ________your help, we finished the work on time.

  A. Thanks B. Thanks of

  C. Thanks for D. Thanks to

  34. -I missed the football match last night.


  A. So I did. B. It doesn't matter. C. What a pity! D. Neither did I.

  35. -Could you tell me ________?

  -Yes. They ________to the library.

  A. where are the twins; have been

  B. where the twins are; have gone

  C. where were the twins; have been

  D. where the twins were; have gone

  II. 完形填空。(共15空,每空1分,计15分)


  At first I couldn't believe it! There were no__36__in rows, and no bells rang. No one had to go to__37__although we all lived in the school. __38__made us go to bed at a certain time. There was no "lights out".

  The__39__thing was that practically all the students went to class,__40__very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or__41__class. The new ones always missed class__42__, but this never lasted long.

  The subjects were the same as those in a__43__school, but different in the approach(方式)! For example, in botany(植物学) we had__44__classes in spring or autumn. We planted a vegetable garden and a flower garden instead. __45__in winter we each studied a few__46__things about what we had grown. In maths the students built three different kinds of storerooms(储藏室) instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a__47__time too, designing(设计) everything, and drawing the blueprints.

  On the whole I think I am a__48__person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else of my age, and I can think better. That's probably the big__49__between the free school and regular school-the amount of__50__you have to do for yourself.

  36. A. desks B. windows C. students D. buildings

  37. A. home B. bed C. class D. work

  38. A. Anybody B. Nobody C. Teachers D. Parents

  39. A. sad B. last C. good D. strange

  40. A. and B. for C. not D. there

  41. A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied

  42. A. from then on B. at first C. once more D. just then

  43. A. night B. regular C. small D. real

  44. A. all B. short C. no D. indoor

  45. A. Still B. Then C. Yet D. Next

  46. A. wild B. successful C. usual D. particular(特别的)

  47. A. bad B. great C. convenient(方便的) D. thoughtful

  48. A. careful B. better C. busier D. lovely

  49. A. problem B. chance C. difference D. change

  50. A. reading B. listening C. teaching D. thinking

  III. 阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)


  ( A )

  After reading some of the letters printed in this newspaper, I'm beginning to believe that the carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) in this city's air during the past year has already affected some people's ability to think straight.

  The suggestion for limiting(限制) the use of cars seems fair and reasonable to me. I don't feel that it will produce any real suffering on the part of motorists, who sometimes seem to put their right to drive above everyone else's right to breathe.

  Surely everyone can understand that it would be worse to have to wear gas masks in our city than to travel by bus or train. After all, breathing is necessary, and we might all breathe more easily if we could reduce (减少) the amount of pollution in our air.

  51. The letters referred to in the first paragraph must have________.

  A. complained that carbon monoxide had affected (影响) their own ability to think

  B. complained that carbon monoxide had affected other people's ability to think

  C. disagreed to the idea of limiting the use of cars

  D. thought highly of the idea to limit the use of cars

  52. The writer thinks that________.

  A. cars do not pollute the air as much as some people think

  B. carbon monoxide can actually affect people's health

  C. motorists have the right to drive as much as they like

  D. public vehicles (车辆) are more harmful than private cars

  53. The motorists put their right to drive their cars aboveeveryone else's right to breathe clean air because ________.

  A. they are brave B. they like driving

  C. they don't appreciate(完全了解)the harm they've caused

  D. driving does no harm to other people's health

  54. To be able to breathe cleaner air, the writer suggests ________.

  A. wearing gas masks

  B. reducing air pollution

  C. limiting the use of buses

  D. punishing the motorists

  55. In writing this passage the writer is ________.

  A. disagreeing with a suggestion

  B. criticizing a suggestion

  C. agreeing with a suggestion

  D. putting forward a suggestion


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