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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. By the first day of August, 2007, the PLA has its ______ birthday.

A. eighty B. the eightieth

C. eightieth D. eighties

2. By the first day of August, 2007, the PLA ________ for eighty years.

A. founded B. has founded

C. has been found D. had been founded

3. The football team of Iraq _____the football team of Saudi Arabia and _____ the Cup of Asia on July 29th, 2007.

A. beat, won B. lost, lost

C. beat, lost D. lost to, lost

4. The _____ Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China in 2008.

A. 29th B. 29 C. 28 D. 28th

5. NBA star center Yao Ming _________to his long-term girlfriend YeLi in their hometown Shanghai on Monday,August 6, 2007.

A. get marry B. got marry

C. got married D. has got married

6. A: Today is 8th, August, 2007. There is one year from the open of the 2008 Olympic Games.

B: Oh, so the Beijing Olympic Games will be held ____ 8th, August, 2008.

A. in B. on C. of D. at

7. A: Do you like the song “We are ready”?

B: Yeah, that is ______. I like it very much.

A. boring B. so-so

C. great D. terrible

8. These years China has been developing very fast, but it is still a _____ country.

A. developed B. develops

C. developing D. develop

解析 1. 今年八月一日时值建军80周年,此题结合建军80周年的热点考查序数词的用法。正确答案C。

2. 该题着重考察found “建立,成立”与find“发现,找到”在意思和过去分词上的区别。find的过去分词“found”与found“成立;建立”在拼写上是一样的,但后者的过去分词是founded,此题为被动语态,所以答案为D。

3. “一切皆有可能”,足球场上的伊拉克人没有因战火而失去斗志,“他们最终击败沙特队,赢取了2007年亚洲杯。”beat指“打败、击败”,后跟人作宾语;win常常是“赢取比赛或奖励、奖杯”之意;而lose常指“输给某人(带介词to)或输掉比赛”之意。故正确答案为A。

4. 2008年奥运越来越近了,大家一定要记住在北京举行的是第29届奥运会。结合英语序数词的用法,此题答案为A。

5. 2007年8月6日是篮球明星姚明同叶莉结婚的大喜日子。英语中marry的用法比较复杂,也很重要。marry sb. 嫁给某人或娶某人,与某人结婚;get married结婚(表状态);另外,get(be) married to sb.同marry sb. 意思相同,两者可互换。此句中时态为过去时,故正确答案为C。

6. 2007年8月8日距北京奥运会还有一周年,那么,北京奥运会一定是在2008年8月8日开幕。英语中在具体的某一天用介词on,正确答案为B。

7. “We are ready” 是为纪念北京奥运会一周年创作的,歌曲优美,令人振奋。“我很喜欢”表明并非boring(令人枯燥的),so-so(一般的,平平的),terrible(糟糕的),故选C(很棒的)。

8. 中国这几年发展很快,但中国依然是发展中国家。英语中,“发达的”是developed,“发展中的”是developing。故正确答案为C。


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