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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


   1. A fire broke out on the ______ floor of the botel.

   2. Do you know when Christmas Day is ? It's on ________.

   A. December 24th B. January 1st C. December 25th D. October 1st

   3. About ________ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.

   A. four fifth B. four fifths C. fourth fifths D. fourths fifth

   4. What time shall we meet , Ann? At half __________(2:30) .

   5. He is _______ in our class.

   A. the fourth tallest B. fourth tallest C. four tallest D. the four tallest

   6. How many people will come to Beijing next year? It's hard to say. _______ people, I think.

   A. Million of B. Millions of C. Tree millions D. Three millions of

   7. The river is 10 metres wide.(对画线部分提问). ________________ is the river?

   8. Dick , it is _______ time in ______ days that you've made the same mistake.

   A. two, three B. second , three C. two , third D. second, third


   1. There are ______ days in a week.

   2. There are _______ days in a year.

   3. There are ________ seconds in one minute and ________ hours in one day.

   4. August is the ______ month of a year.

   5. Wednesday is the _______ day of a week.



   9__________, __________ 12 __________, __________ 15 _________, _________

   20_________, __________ 41 __________, __________

   考点三 hundred thousand million billion


   1. There are three hundreds people in our village.

   2. There are hundred of students on the playground.

   3. Ten thousands students got together in Beijing Tian'an Men Square.

   4. Thousands people are needed to finish the work.

   5. The population of this city is about three millions.

   考点四 用英语表示分数

   1/2 _____________ 1/4 ______________ 3/4 ______________ 2/7 _______________

   9/10 ______________ 2/5 ______________

   考点五 用英语表示百分数

   12% _______________ 98% ________________ 50% ________________

   97.3% ______________ 1% _______________ 8% ______________

   0.8% _____________ 3.5% ______________

   考点六 序数词前什么时候不用the 修饰

   1. ________first lesson is a little difficult.

   2. I like _______ fifth ball.

   3. Who is that man, _______ eighth in the row?

   4. There were five girls in the room and _______ sixth girl was coming in

   5. You must try it ______ second time.

   考点七 表达时刻和日期

   1. 5:15 ____________________.

   2. 6:30 ________________________.

   3. 7:40 ________________________.

   4. 1997年4月2日 ________________________________.

   5. We often get up at ________________________________ (6:00).

   6. Class begins at _______________________________(8:30).

   7. He came to school at ___________________________________ (7:45).

   8. Let's make it ___________________________ (9:15).

   9. Our school is over at _______________________________ (11:50).

   10. I was born on ________________________ (1992/09/08)

   考点八 几十岁 年代

   1. I was graduated from a college __________________ (在二十多岁时).

   2. The old man died __________________ (八十多岁时).

   3. The woman became a famous singer ________________ (在三十几岁时).

   4. She left her hometown __________________ (在九十年代)

   5. It was invented ____________________ (在17世纪50年代).


   一、 单项选择

   1. That is _____________.

   A. a five-pound note B. a five-pounds note C. a five-pound-note

   B. a five pound-note

   2. The boy is _________.

   A. 1.5 metre tall B. 1.5 metres tall C. 1.5 metre high D. 1.5 metres high

   3. At the end of the first half we were winning ___________.

   A. two first B. two from one C. two to one D. second to first

   4. Our bags are too heavy to carry. There are ______ books in each of them.

   A. two tens B. tens of C. a ten D. a-ten

   5. The girl practices playing the piano ________ a day.

   A. twice B. two time C. two D. second

   6. That's Lily's ________ pen.

   A. the second B. second the C. second D. two

   7. Today is April ___________.

   A. 21th B. a 21th C. 21st D. a 21st

   二、 完成下面句子的英语翻译,每空一词

   1. 开始时我觉得有点点难。I found it a bit difficult _________ _____________.

   2. 三分二的钱用于买书。__________ ___________ _____________the money _________ __________ for books.

   3. 这些中哪个是第三有用的发明?Which of these is ____________ ___________ _________ ____________ invention?

   4. 在20世纪初,中国很穷。_____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ century, China was very poor.

   5. 跳高比赛的第二名是谁? Who was ___________ ___________ the high jump?

   三、 根据汉语提示,用适当的词语填空,完成下面的短文

   Zhao Ming is a ___________ (13岁) boy. Yesterday was his ____________ (13 岁的) birthday. He wanted to have a birthday party. But his father, a driver of ___________ (40岁), is working in Beijing with his mother. He called Zhao Ming, Your mother and I are so far from you. We can't go home for your party. Why not have a party ___________ (每隔一年)? Zhao Ming agreed. But his friends remembered his birthday. They went to buy some food and drinks. Zhao Ming's classmate, Le Feng, bought him a big cake. It was _________(几英寸高) and _________ (两倍大) a ball. It cost him __________ (50元). They also bought Zhao Ming __________ (一个二手的) mobile phone so that he could keep touch with his parents.

   Zhao Ming was very happy.


   一、 单项填空

   1. In our city, ________ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.

   A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of

   2. Excuse me. Where is Mr. Green's office? It's on ___________ floor.

   A. seven B. the seven C. the seventh D. seventh

   3. Come and see me in ________. With pleasure. That's what I'm expecting.

   A. two or three days' B. two or three day's time

   C. two or three days' time D. two days or three days' time

   4. We are sure the ________ Olympic Games in Beijing next year will be one of ________ games in history.

   A. twenty-nine, more successful B. twenty-ninth, more successful

   C. twenty-ninth, the most successful D. twenty-nine, the most successful

   5. There are more than two ________ languages spoken in Nigeria.

   A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred D. hundred of

   6. The road is over ________ metres long.

   A. six hundred and fifty-two B. six hundreds and fifty-two

   C. six hundred, fifty-two D. six hundred, fifty and two

   7. How much does it cost to build the school library? Four _______ yuan.

   A. million B. millions C. millions of D. million of

   8. Where is the head teacher? Maybe he is in _________.

   A. Two Room B. the Two Room C. Room two D. Room Two

   9. What do you think of the new book? There are so many new words in ______ chapter. It's a bit hard.

   A. fifth B. five C. the fifth D. the five

   10. Dad , when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago. I'm sorry, jean. But I think I will have a ________ holiday soon.

   A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four dayr

   11. The story happened ________.

   A. in July 9, 2003 B. on July 9th ,2003 C. in 2003, July 9 D. on 2003, 9th July

   12. Do you want to buy _______ pork?

   A. half kilo B. half a kilo C. a kilo half D. a half kilo

   13. Both of the two rules are broken. I want to buy a ______ one.

   A. three B. third C. fourth D./

   14. Our summer holiday is coming. Two _______ the students in our school will go to the beach.

   A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of.

   15. September ______ is Teachers' Day.

   A. the B. the tenth C. the ten's D. Ten

   16. The temperature will be minus 5. The underlined part means ________.

   A. 5 B. -5 C. 0.5 D. 5

   17. The river is more than _______.

   A. twenty metre wide B. twenty metre side

   C. twenty metre of wide D. wide of twenty metre

   18. John began to make a living by himself ________.

   A. in his thirty B. in his thirties C. in the thirty D. in the thirties

   19. It's 7:45. Yes, it's _______.

   A. a quarter past seven B. a quarter to eight

   C. fifteen past seven o'clock D. seven fifteen o'clock

   20. These books are for ______.

   A. we three B. three we C. us three D. three us


   1. Today we will learn the ____________ (twelve) lesson.

   2. I sit in the _________ (two) row in the class.

   3. It's August ____________ (twenty-one) today.

   4. We have ____________ (45) sheep on the farm.

   5. I think the __________ (eight) lesson is difficult.


   1. There are ________ days in a week.

   2. There are usually __________ or __________ days in one month except ___________, and there are usually ______________________ or ______________________ days in one year

   3. New Year's Day is the ____________ of each year.

   4. Thursday is the ____________ day of week.

   5. ___________ is our Nation Day.

   6. The ________ month of the year is February.

   7. There are __________ seconds in minute.

   8. December ____________ is Christmas in America.

   9. 2/3 and 1/4 is _______________.

   10. August is the _________ month of a year.


   1. Jim goes to Tsing Hua University at 8:00 every day.


   2. The sweater is fifty yuan.


   3. It is two hundred metres from here.


   4. My telephone number is 123234.


   5. There are 800 students in our school.


   6. She has worked in Jinan for five years.


   7. Jackson was born in May, 1970.


   8. Today is March 7.


   9. It's half past twelve now.


   10. There are six pieces of paper on the desk.


   五、 根据汉语提示用英语填空,完成下面的短文

   _______________ (4月21日) in 2006 was the _____________(八十岁)birthday of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ. She is one of the most famous women in the world. Here are some interesting stories about her.

   Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis the __________ (四十) monarch since 1066. She has been the Queen of Great Britain for _________ (54年). During her reign, she has made over two hundred and fifty official visit to __________ (129) different countries, including China in 1986. She has also hosted ______________ (90多) formal dinners for those important people from foreign countries. When she visits foreign countries or hosts formal dinners, the Queen often receives presents from foreign leaders. Some unusual presents include animals.

   The Queen is a great animal lover and she is known for her love of dogs. So for, the Queen has had _____________ (至少30只) dogs. She is really fond of horses and good at feeding horses. Her horses have won major races ______________ (几次).

   The Queen usually sends a telegram of congratulations to her people who are 100 years old on their birthday. Perhaps she will send herself one ___________ (20 年后) . It's not impossible, since all her family members have enjoyed a long life. The Queen's mother died in 2002 at the age of 101.


   1. Jinzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. _____ of tourists come to visit it every year.

   A. Thousand B. A few C. Thousands D. Few

   2. ---What's 1/9 and 2/3?


   A. Seven ninths B. Five sixths C. Seven ninth D. Five ninths

   3. ---When was the PRC founded?

   ---It was founded on _______.

   A. July 1, 1921 B. October 1, 1949 C. August 1, 1927 D. May 1,1922

   4. In our class _____ of the students are girls.

   A. three fifths B. three fifth C. third five D. third fifths

   5. _____ people are fighting against SARS.

   A. Million of B. A million of C. Millions of D. Several millions

   6. The number of the students in our grade ______ about six ______, ______ of them are girls.

   A. are , hundreds , two thirds B. is , hundred , two third

   C. is , hundred, two thirds D. are , hundreds, two third

   7. It is said that SARS has killed more than ______ people worldwide.

   A. two hundreds B. two hundreds's C. two hundred's D. two hundred

   8. The doctor worked for _____ after twelve o'clock.

   A. two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour

   9. We are going go plant ______ trees on those hills in a few years.

   A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of

   10. She took her _____ baby in her arm to her mother's.

   A. ten-months old B. ten-months-old C. ten-month olds D. ten-month-old

   11.---Where are they going to have the meeting?

   ---In ______.

   A. room 204 B. Room 204 C. the room 204 D. 204 room

   12.There are about _____ people in this big town.

   A. six millions of B. six millions C. six million of D. six million

   13.Mars began to learn English in his _____.

   A. fifty B. fiftieth C. fifties D. fifth

   14.______ of the people there speak English.

   A. Two three B. Two third C. Two thirds D. Second three

   15.There are ____ days in a year, that is known by all of us.

   A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five

   C. three hundred and sixty-five

   16.A lot of students in our class can say the number 78645 in English like this _____.

   A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five

   B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five

   C. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five

   D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five

   17.During ______ century, the population of the world has already reached 6 billion.

   A. twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth D. the twenty

   18.My little brother is a new student in the school. He is in _______.

   A. class three, grade two B. Class Three, Grade One

   C. Grade One, Class Three D. Three Class, Two Grade

   19.The year 1999 should read the year ______.

   A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nine

   C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

   D. nineteen hundred and ninety nine.

   20.Let us turn to ______. We are going to study the lesson-Lesson Four.

   A. page two B. the page two C. second page D. page second

   21.There are going to be ______ students in this school in September.

   A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six

   C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty six

   22.There are about _____ of the world's books and newspapers written in English.

   A. three quarters B. three quarter C. thirds four D. threes fouth

   23.Monday is the second day, and _____ .

   A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifth

   C. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday

   24.He often starts to do his homework ______ every evening.

   A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass ten C. on ten past seventh D. until ten

   25.Look up the sky! There are _____ in the sky.

   A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousand of star

   26.There are two ______ students in the meeting room.

   A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of



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