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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编




   6.Can you come with us ?(we)?

   7.These skirts are hers . Yours are over there.(she)?

   8.Please take care of yourselves , boys and girls.(you)?

   9.I don't think this is my frisby, though it looks like mine .(I) ?

   10.Look at those books. Are they yours?(that)


   11.Is there anything interesting in the newspaper? ?

   12.She asked us to help each other.

   13.The old man can neither read nor write. ?

   14.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. ?

   15.Please help yourself to some fish, Lucy.?


   16、A: The children played happily in the zoo yesterday.?

   B: The children enjoyed themselves in the zoo yesterday. ?

   17、A: He doesn't like mutton, and she doesn't, either.?

   B: Neither he nor she likes mutton.

   18、A: All the American people don't like sandwiches.?

   B: Not all the American people like sandwiches. ?

   19、A: They don't often hear the twins sing the song in the school.?

   B: Neither of the twins is often heard to sing the song in the school.[ZK)]


   (C)20、-Can you speak Chinese, Peter?-Yes, but only .?

   A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ?

   (A)21、-Do you like Jane's new skirt??

   -Yes, very much. I'll ask mum to buy for me.?

   A. one B. it C. the other D. a ?

   (B)22、The color of her skirt is different from of mine.?

   A. one B. that C. it D. this ?

   (B)23、Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running, some like swimming. like ball games.?

   A. the others B. others C. the other D. other ?

   (A)24、-I'll give the boys to eat.?

   -Oh, I know, fish and chips.?

   A. something English B. English something?C. anything English D. English anything ?

   (D)25、-Shall I help you with the heavy box??

   -No, thanks, I can do it .?

   A. me B. my C. mine D. myself ?

   (D)26、-What time shall we meet this afternoon,3:00 or 4:00??

   -I don't mind. time is OK.?

   A. Neither B. Each C. Any D. Either ?

   (C)27、-My bag is full, what about ??

   - is full, too.?

   A. you, Yours B. his, He C. yours, Mine D. hers, She ?

   (D)28、-I've had enough bread, Would you like ??

   -No, thanks.?

   A. a few more B. one more C. another more D. some more ?

   (A)29、There are many trees on sides of the river.?

   A. both B. either C. neither D. each

   (A)1、He has two bikes, one is new, is old.

   A. the other B. other C. the others D. others ?

   (C)2、Without the sun, could grow in the world.?

   A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything ?

   (B)3、 of them is going to play basketball with you this afternoon.?

   A. All B. Neither C. Some D. Both ?

   (B)4、-Can you tell me what a panda looks like?

   -Look! This is a picture of .?

   A. it B. one C. two D. some ?

   (B)5、There are not many pears here, but you can take if you want to.?

   A. few B. a few C. a little D. little

   二、形容词 副词

   大多数的形容词、副词都有三个等级: 原级:比较级: 比较...,更...一些 最高级: 最...

   (A)1.构成:(规则情况)情况 变 化 方 法 例 词

   单音节词和少数双音节词: 一般情况 加er, est clever-cleverer-cleverest

   以字母e结尾 加r, st nice-nicer-nicest

   重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音字母时 双写加er, est big-bigger-biggest

   以辅音字母加y结尾 变y为i加er, est early-earlier-earliest

   部分双音节和多音节词 在词前加more, most slowly-more slowly-most slowly

   2.不规则变化,须熟记: good/well-better-best many/much-more-most far-farther-farthest

   bad/badly/ill-worse-worst little-less-least


   1.as as 和...一样(中间用原级)

   2.not as(so) as 和...不一样(中间用原级)

   3 than . ..比...(用比较级)

   4.有范围修饰的用最高级 如:in, of, among或用从句修饰的

   eg.⑴Winter is the coldest season of the year. ⑵This is the best film that I have ever seen .

   5.比较级+and+比较级 意为越来越.eg: wetter and wetter more and more beautiful

   6. The+比较级,the+比较级 越...就越... eg:The more, the better. 越多越好


   2.可用much, a little, even, still等修饰比较级。


   eg:The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai.


   1.He is taller than any other student in his class. =He is the tallest (student)in his class.

   2.This film is less interesting than that one. =This film isn't as interesting as that one.

   =That film is more interesting than this one.

   3.I prefer maths to English. =I like maths better than English.

   Which do you like _____, fish, meat _____ eggs? A.best, or B.better,or C.best, and D.better,and



   2.副词修饰动词、形容词或其它副词 enough属例外词:形/副+enough to do enough+名词

   例如;She is old enough to go to school. 她够上学的年龄了。

   3.区别几组易混淆的副词: 也 too用于肯定、疑问句 also 较为正式书面语 either 用于否定句 已经 already 常用于肯定句、疑问句 yet 常用于否定句、疑问句

   不再 no (not any) longer 从时间上讲 no (not any) more 从动作上讲

   如此这样 such 修饰名词 eg: such a big box

   so 修饰形容词、副词 eg: so big 单独、独自 alone 作表语 =by oneself 孤独的 lonely 可作表语、定语 eg:A group of girls are singing and dancing ______ over there. (happy)


   1.The students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake. _ are climbing the hill.

   A.Others B. Other C. Another D.The other

   2.There isn't _____ in today's newspaper.

   A. important something B. important anything C. anything important D. nothing important

   3.-Whose watch is this, Mary? Is it your sister's?

   -No,Mum. It's not ______. It's ______. A.hers, my B. her, my C. Mine, hers D.hers, mine

   4..The Changjiang River is the third __ river in the world. A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest

   5. An elephant is _____ than a horse.

   A.more strong B. much stronger C. the most strong D. much more strong

   6. Which do you like _____, tea, orange or water? A.good B.Well C. Better D. Best

   一、 介词

   1.与形容词搭配的词组有: be afraid of (怕) be angry with (生某人的气)

   be away from (不在某地) be different from (与不同)

   be good at (善于) be good/ bad for (对有益/有害) be interested in (对感兴趣) be late for (迟到) be/get ready for (为作好准备) be sure of (对有把握)

   be worried about (为感到担忧)


   1)You must take good care of her. 2)Thank you for teaching us so well.


   A. 在...之后 in + 一段时间(用于一般将来时)

   after + 一段时间(用于一般过去时) after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时)

   如:The baby stopped crying after half an hour.

   The baby will stop crying in half an hour. They will visit their teacher after Friday.

   B. for +一段时间 since +过去的一点时间


   C. be made of 用制成 be made in 由某地制造be made by somebody 由某人制成

   D. in, on, at表时间 in 在某月(季节、年)等 eg:in 1996, in January, in summer

   固定词组:in the morning, in a week,in a minute,in time, in the end

   on 用于指具体的某一天或专指某一天上午、下午或晚上等

   eg:on Christmas Day, on the night of February 16

   at 用于具体时刻前和某些固定词组中

   固定词组:at seven, at the moment, at night, at last, at first, at noon, at times, at once, at this time of the year, at the beginning of, at the end of this month, at the same time 注意:在表时间里,下列情况下一般不用介词。词组里有:next, last, this, that, tomorrow, yesterday, one, every, all 以及the day before yesterday和the day after tomorrow 前不用介词 。 如:不能说 in tomorrow ,只能说 tomorrow 在明天

   E. except +宾格/doing something 除之外 (不包括本身)

   Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. (同义句转换) =Only Lin Tao isn't at school today.

   F. 用 通过交通工具 by plane

   用语言 in English 通过媒介 on /over the telephone, on /over the radio, on TV

   用工具手段 with a pen, with one's hands

   G. between 在~和~(两者)之间

   between...and..., between the two... among 在...之间(三者或三者以上)

   eg.Sue spent over two hours ___ her homework yesterday evening. A.on B.with C.at D.over

   二、 连词

   1.并列连词 bothand 既~又~谓语用复数动词

   neithernor 既不~也不~含否定意义,(就近原则)谓语动词由靠近它的那个主语来决定单复数。 eitheror 或者 或者不是就是

   and和 连接两个并列成分,连接谓语时,两个动词时态应一致。

   but 但是 表转折,不能与 though 同时出现在句中。

   or 或者在否定句中,并列句中的列举常用 or,而不用 and。 Eg: I have brothers and sisters.(否) I don't have brothers or sisters.= I have no brothers and no sisters.


   陈述句:that 可省略 一般疑问句:if /whether 是否 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词

   3.引导原因状从的有:because (不能与so同时出现在句中)


   A. when(当时候),as soon as(一就),notuntil(直到才),after(在之后),引导的主从复合句,主句为一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。 Eg: I won't leave until he comes back.

   B. since(自从以来)引导的主从复合句,主句为现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。 Eg:We haven't met each other since she left here last year.

   C. while(当时候,一边一边)它引导的时间状语从句常用进行时态。

   Eg: My father came in while I was doing my homework.

   5.引导条件状语从句的连词: if 如果,引导条件状从,主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。请区别于if是否相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态根据语境确定

   eg:1)I don't know if it ____ (rain) tomorrow.

   2)If it ______ (rain) tomorrow, I _____________ (not climb) the hills.

   3)Joan and Mary haven't seen each other_____they left school five years ago.

   A.as B.before C.after D.since

   三、 构词法





   en-(使有)+courageencourage;inter-(one with another;face to face)+viewinterview;foreign+er(人)foreigner,play+er(执行动作的人)player,sharpen+er(执行动作的物)sharpener;library+(yi)an(人)li?brarian;miss(v.)+ingmissing(adj.),probable(adj.)+(l)yprobably(adv.),sad(adj.)+lysadly(adv.);compose(v.)+(ei)tioncomposition(n.),inform(v.)+(a)tioninformation(n.)

   3.转化法: know(v.)knowledge(n.)




   abroad-in or to another country,overseas;interview-meeting with sb.




   二、将单词按归类的方法进行记忆。把同义词归成一类,如 learn--study,between--among;反义词归成一类,如 left--right,high--low,strong--weak;或根据含义和用途把同一类型的词归成一类,如交通工具类:car,bus,ship,plane,truck,学科类:maths,science,art,geogra?phy,频度副词类:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,等等。这样当遇到其中一个词时,头脑中出现的就是一组词,这样记忆单词的效率就会大大提高。同时,还可以掌握词与词之间的区别和各自特殊的用法,将平时极易混淆的单词清楚地区别开来。

   三、利用构词法记忆单词。比如 happy(幸福的),加前缀un成为 unhappy(不幸福的),改y为i加后缀ness则变成了名词:happiness(幸福);pea(豌豆)与nut(坚果)可合成为peanut(花生)when(何时)+ever(在任何时候)=whenever(无论什么时候)等等。







   如:20-minute 20分钟的 It's 20-minute walk.步行20分钟的路程。 second-class 二等的 That's the second-class room. 那是个二等房间。 500-word 五百字的

   This is a 500-word composition. 这是一篇五百字的文章。


   如:8-year-old 八岁的 Mr Green has an 8-year-old child. 格林先生有个八岁的孩子。

   3.数词+名词的ed形式。如:three-legged 三条腿的 Tom bought a three-legged table yesterday. 昨天汤姆买了一张三条腿的桌子。


   round-trip来回的;往返的 Do you need a round-trip ticket﹖ 你想要一张往返的车票吗?

   part-time 非全部工作时间的;兼职的He found a part-time job. 他找到了一份额外的工作。


   如:kind-hearted 好心的 Father Christmas is very kind-hearted. 圣诞老人的心肠非常好。


   China has sent up many man-made satellites. 中国已发射了许多人造卫星。


   I want to own a glass-topped table. 我想要一张带有玻璃罩的桌子。


   I don't like those so-called singers. 我不喜欢那些所谓的歌星。


   如:so-so马马虎虎;不好不坏的 My English is just so-so. 我的英语很一般。.

   Eg:To an American,a Chinese is a ______. (foreign) 前缀 例词 派生词

   un-不 happy unhappy like unlike usual unusual friendly unfriendly

   im-不 possible impossible 后缀 例词 派生词 -er人 teach/play/clean teacher/player/cleaner drive driver(以e结尾,-r) run runner(重读闭音节,双写-er)

   win winner travel traveller -or人 invent inventor visit visitor


   bad badly quick quickly careful carefully happy happily

   deep deeply lucky luckily usual usually noisy noisily

   slow slowly angry angrily strong strongly quiet quietly

   特例: true - truly terrible - terribly possible - possibly

   -ful(形容词后缀) care careful help helpful use useful forget forgetful

   -y (形容词后缀)

   rain rainy luck lucky cloud cloudy noise noisy(以e结尾,去e,加-y)

   snow snowy sun sunny (双写,加-y) wind windy

   -ion(名词后缀) invent invention operate operation

   -ness(名词后缀) busy business good goodness


   动词 形容词 动词 现在分词转化为名词

   sleep asleep boat boating die dead build building

   enjoy enjoyable begin beginning cross crossing

   名词 形容词 meet meeting friend friendly turn turning

   south southern shop shopping wool woolen

   danger dangerous 动词 过去分词转为形容词 difference different fry

   fried worry worried

   动词 名词 break broken know knowledge lose lost

   fly flight please pleased please pleasure colour coloured

   名词 名词 动词 现在分词、过去分词转为形容词

   farm farmer 农夫 follow following interest interested感兴趣的 只作表语,仅用于be interested in develop interesting 有趣的 可作表语和定语 developed 发达的 developing 发展中的

   练习题 1、Lucy can write a letter___Japanese though she has learned it only a few months.

   A. from B. to C. in D. with

   2、They will have an English test___two days. A. for B. at C. in D. after

   3、Wu Dong was born___the evening of April 2,1975. A. at B. in C. on D. to

   4、I haven 't heard _______ her _____ she left home.

   A. from, since B. from, after C. of, when D. of , as

   5、Tom didn't know___Jack would leave for Beijing tomorrow.

   A. how B. weather C. whether D. what

   6、His parents were _________ (happy) because he had failed the exam again.

   7、Mrs. Green liked to stay _____ (safe) at the same place.

   8、The_______ (visit) from France are going to visit our school this afternoon.

   思考题 1、The farmer was___tired___he couldn't fall asleep.

   A. veryto B. tooto C. sothat D.neithernor

   2、Work hard, ___you won't catch up with the others. A. but B. and C. if D. or

   3、The game is very ___ and she's ___ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested

   C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested



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