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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ( )31. All of us preferred ________ to ________ there by bus.

  .A. walking;go B. to walk;go .C. to walk;going .D. walking;going

  ( )32. Ive given you everything ____ I have.

  A. which B. that C. who D. whom

  ( )33. Forty minutes _______ for the children to finish all the work.

  .A. is quite a long time .B. are quite long .

  C. was a quite long time .D. were quite long time

  ( )34. ______ of us has read the story,so we know nothing about it.

  .A. Some B. Both .C. None D. All

  ( )35. -Would you like some more rice? .-Yes, Just ______.

  .A. a few B. few .C. a little D. little

  ( )36. -Look! That man looks like Mr Brown.

  .-It _____ be him, for he _____ America.

  .A. cant; has gone to .B. may not; has gone

  .C. mustnt; has been to .D. cant; has been to

  ( )37. Jim with his parents _____ abroad.They ____ back in two weeks.

  .A. have gone; will come.B. has gone; will come .

  C. have been to; have come .D. has been; come

  ( )38. ______ he failed in the maths exam again, ______ he never gave up.

  . A. Because, so B. Because, / .C. Although, but. D. Although, /

  ( )39. -Would you mind my opening the windows? .-_____.

  .A. Sorry. I wouldnt .B. No, of course not

  .C. It doesnt matter .D. Yes, please

  ( )40. -Why not come and join us in the game? .-_____. But I must meet Mr Smith at his office now..

  A. Id like to .B. Lets go C. Yes, please D. Its a pleasure

  ( )41. -Will you please show me the photo of your family? .-OK. I will it here tomorrow.

  .A. take B. catch C. bring D. carry

  ( )42. Keep _______, and youll succeed.

  .A. to try B. tries .C. trying D. tried

  ( )43. -I hear Tom is working hard at his lessons. .-Im ______ he will pass the exams this time.

  .A. afraid .B. surprised .C. sure D. sorry

  ( )44. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive ______ London _____ the morning of July 19.

  .A. to, on B. in, on C. in, in C. at, in

  ( )45. Would you mind ___ me how ____English words?

  .A. telling, to remember B. telling, remember

  .C. to tell, to remember .D. to tell, remember

  ( )46. Mary doesnt like dancing. _____..

  A. Neither do I B. Either do I .C. So do I D. So I dont

  ( )47. We couldnt see because the light in the room was poor.

  .A. enough clear B. clear enough .C. enough clearly .D. clearly enough

  ( )48. woman o

  ver there is popular teacher in our school.

  .A. A; an B. The; a .C. The; the D. A; the

  ( )49. -Whats your English teacher like? .-______.

  .A. He is good B. He likes reading C. Hes thirty .D. Hes thin and tall

  ( )50. We should keep on _____ English every day.

  .A. to practise to speak .B. to practise speaking

  .C. practising to speak .D. practising speaking

  ( )51. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and_____ around, but she _____ nothing.

  A. looked; saw B. saw; saw .C. watched; looked .D. looked; find

  ( )52. Would you please ____ it in English?

  A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk.

  ( )53. I have ______ for my pen everywhere, but I just cant _____ it.

  .A. found, find B. found, look .C. looked, find D. looked, look

  ( )54. After a short break he went on _____.

  .A. to speak B. speak .C. speaking D. spoken

  ( )55. -Do you like milk or coffee? -I prefer milk ___ coffee..

  A. with B. to .C. than D. of

  ( )56.Will you please_______us a story,Miss Gao?

  OK.Shall I_______it in English or in Chinese?

  A.tell;speak B.talk;speak C.tell;say D.talk;say

  ( )57.He eats______food,so he is________fat.

  A.much too;too much B.much too;too many

  C.too much;much too D.too much;many too

  ( )58.Im sorry I left my exercise book at home.Dont ___________it to school tomorrow,please.

  A.forgot;to take B.left;to bring C.forgot;to bring D.left;to take

  ( )59.Remember with others.

  A.not to be angry B.dont be angry C.dont angry

  ( )60. My CD doesnt work well.Ill go and this evening.

  A.have them repaired B.to repair C.have it repaired D.have it repair


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