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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  81. 鼓励与泄气句型

  encourage sb. to do sth.

  discourage sb. from doing sth.

  82. 五照顾、照看

  look after sb.

  take care of sb.

  attend to sb.

  wait on sb.

  care for sb.

  keep an eye on sth./sb.

  have an eye for sth.

  83. fail的句型

  fail (in)sth.

  fail to do sth.

  fail sb. = make sb. disappointed

  84. 从做成到做败

  succeed in doing sth.

  manage to do sth.

  attempt to do sth.

  fail to do sth.


  feel + adj.

  feel like doing sth

  feel it + adj. + to do sth

  feel for sth. 摸索

  feel sb. do sth.

  feel sth. to be

  86. 适合做,有资格做

  be fit for

  be suitable for

  be great for

  be responsible for

  be qualified for

  be eligible for

  87. fit句型总汇

  fit sb. for sth.

  fit sb to do sth.

  be fit to sth.

  It is fit for sb. to do sth.

  88. free句型总汇

  be free from

  free sb.sth from

  set sb. free

  89. fun句型总汇

  have fun doing sth.

  Its great fun doing sth.

  make fun of sb.

  90. 尊重与鄙视

  look up to sb.

  respect sb.

  look down upon sb.

  despise sb.


  marry sb.

  get married to sb.

  be married to sb.

  divorce sb.

  ones marriage with sb.

  ones divorce from sb.

  92. 过去分词短语做宾补

  have sth done

  get sth. done

  want sth done

  with sth done

  93. 两放弃

  give up sth./doing sth.

  drop sth.

  94. 两检查

  look over sb./sth.

  examine sb./sth

  95. good句型汇总

  be good to sb.

  be good for sb./sth.

  be good at sth.

  be good with sb./sth.

  do sb. good

  Its good of sb. to do sth.

  Its no good doing sth.

  Its no good ones doing sth.

  96. 四感谢

  be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth.

  be thankful to sb. for sth./doing sth.

  thank sb. for sth./doing sth.

  thanks for sth./doing sth.

  97. 如何猜

  guess sb./sth to be

  make a guess at sth.

  98. harm句型总汇

  There is no harm in doing sth.

  It does no harm to do sth.

  do sb./sth. harm

  do harm to sb./sth.

  99. 四渴望

  be eager to do sth.

  long for

  be hungry for sth.

  be thirsty for sth.

  100. plan句型汇总

  have a plan for sth.

  have a plan to do sth.

  plan to do sth.

  plan out 精心安排

  Plan out your route before you go.


  plan on doing sth.打算做某事

  We are planning on visiting him next month.







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