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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.①The man______she married last year was a soldier.

  A whom B to whom C with whom D.whose

  ②The man______she was married was a soldier.

  A whom B to whom C with whom D who

  2.①The reason______she gave up teaching was her serious illness.

  A for that B for which C which D.why

  ②The reason______he was dismissed is not difficult to explain.

  A that B for which C which D for that

  3.①The day______she spent with us was never to be forgotten.

  A./ B.on which C when D.in which

  ②The day______she played with us was never to be forgotten.

  A. that B. when C. which D. /

  4. ① Is this the factory______you visited last week?

  A where B which C. to which D. in which

  ② Is this factory______ you visited last week?

  A. that B which C in which D. the one

  5. ① The house______ window faces south is for the doctor.

  A. which B. that C. whose D. of which

  ② The house ______faces south is for the doctor.

  A. which B. whose C. who D. where

  6. ① She brought forward a plan______ we couldnt agree.

  A. that B. which C / D. to which

  ② She brought forward a plan ______ we couldnt accept.

  A. / B. for which C. to which D .of which

  7. ① The invention ______she spent 2 years will do well to the world.

  A.which B. / C. on which D. when

  ②The invention______ took her 2 years will do well to the world.

  A. which B. / C. on which D. it

  8. ① The English subject, ______I do well , is important in middle schools.

  A which B that C in which D. at which

  ②The English subject , ______I have mastered well , is important in middle school.

  A / B at which C that D in which

  9. ①Tom,______I went to the concert , is a friend of mine.

  A whom B who C with which D whose

  ②Tom,______bicycle 1 went to the concert,is a friend of mine.

  A whom B who C whose D on whose

  10.①The place ______you visited during your holidays is where I used to be for years

  A where B which C in which D.to which

  ②The place ______ you stayed for 3 years is where an ancient city used to be.

  A where B which C that D to which

  11.①She will fly to Washington,______is the capital of the U.S.

  A that B where C which D in which

  ②She will fly to Washington,______she can enjoy herself.

  A where B that C which D /

  12.①The story happened on a day______the weather was wet and cold.

  A when B which C in which D on when

  ②The story happened on a day was wet and cold.

  A then B on which C which D /

  13.①The sun heats the earth,______ we all know.

  A that B which C as D where

  ②The sun heats the earth,______ makes it possible to grow crops.

  A which B that C as D where

  14.①Tom,______we had expected,got the 1st place in the competition(比赛).

  A as B which C whom D who

  ②Tom,______ we had expected to help us,didnt even show his face .

  A as B whom C that D which



  11-14 CA A C CA AB


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