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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Our school held an activity called Recommend Books to You Teachers. The students made a______of 1, 000 books.

  A. note B. line C. menu D. list

  2.-Whats your favorite drink?


  A.Meat B.Milk C.Pear D.Sugar

  3. -Whats the matter with you?

  -I have ______ .

  A.a cold B.a good time C.classes D.sports

  4.All the ___ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own holiday.

  A.man B. men C. woman D. women

  5. - Oh! There isnt enough ____ for us in the bus.

  - No hurry. Lets wait for the next.

  A. place B. land C. room D. floor

  6. - You like surfing the net. Do you know what WWW means?

  - Yes. It means ____.

  A. Whole World Warm B. World Wide Web

  C. Whole World Weather D. Wide World Work

  7. - How can I tell one tree from another?

  - You can mostly tell them by the______ of their leaves.

  A. shape B. size C. age D. color

  8. They got much______on the Internet .

  A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information

  9.-Whats the meaning of NBA?

  -It means _________.

  A.不明飞行物 B. 英国广播公司

  C.(美国)全国篮球协会 D.联合国

  10.-Would you like some ____?

  -No, thank you. Im not hungry at all.

  A. tea B. water C. bread D. coffee

  11.______ it was yesterday because of the storm!

  A.What bad weather B. What a bad weather

  C.How bad a weather D. How bad weather

  12. -I dont know how to use this machine.

  -It doesnt matter. Here is the ________.

  A.instruction B.direction C.information D.advertisement

  13. How soon shall we start the bicycle trip?

  - _________.

  A. In five days time B. In five days time

  C. In five days time D. For five days

  14. -You didnt send me an e-mail last night, did you?

  -Sorry. My ______ broke down. I couldnt get online.

  A. computer B. car C. clock D. camera

  15.Mr .Smith always has _____ to tell us.

  A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

  C. some good piece of newes D.s ome piece of good newes

  16. -Would you like something to drink?

  -____________, please.

  A. tea B. fruit C. bread D. meat

  17. Can you see nine______in the picture?

  A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse

  18. Dont you think Dalian is one of the most beautiful______in China?

  A. cities B. city C. place D. towns

  19. More than two______years ago, people knew little about the universe.

  A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of

  20. Henry runs fast. He won the______8000-metre race yesterday.

  A. boys B. boys C. boy D. boys



  1-5 DBADC

  6-10 BADCC

  11-15 AABAA

  16-20 AAABA


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