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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (2010山西省VIII,10)根据下面对话的情景,在空白处填入适当的语句,使对话完整 。

  A: Hello , Lin Tao.

  B:Hello,everyone.You are all here.76. ?

  A: We are planning for a good-bye party ,for the 3-year middle school life will be over.

  B:That sounds good .Can I join the party ?

  A:77. Everyone in our class is welcome.

  B:Great! Is there anything I can do to help?

  A:Let me see.Oh,78.

  B:Yes,I do.I have a digital camera.

  A:We want to take some photos.They may remind us of the time we had in middle school in the future.79.

  B:Not at all.Im sure to bring it to the party.Anything else?

  A:Well,would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me ?

  B:80. Lets go.


  76. What are you doing (here)

  77. Sure/Certainly/Of course/All right/I agree/No problem/Yes,I think so /OK /Yes/ Yes,you can/ Yes,please/ Of course you can.

  78. do you have a (digital) camera?

  79 Would you mind bringing it to the party/Would you mind if you bring it to the party?

  80. Yes,I d like to /Yes,I d love to /OK/Allright/That would be fine/That would be nice.

  (2010四川省成都市 二、完成对话。 每小题1分,计10分)

  Policeman:Excuse me ,madam.


  P:Would you mid letting me take a _1_ in your bag?

  M:What ?Im afraid I will _2_mind if you do so,Now go away.

  P:Im afraid I have to do so.Its my duty in the supermarket,madam.

  M:Who are you?Go away ,_3_I will call the police.

  P:I am a _4_.Here is my police card.

  M:Really?Do you always look into peoples bags if you like ?

  P:No.I will do so whenever I have a _5_ to believe that there is something in your bag that belongs to someone_6_.

  M:What do you mean?

  P:Well ,perhaps youve got _7_that havent been paid for in your bag.

  P:Well ,if you are honest,you wouldnt _9_,would you?So may I look into your bag,madam?

  I dont want to do _10_to hurt you.

  答案:1.look 2.certainly 3.or 4.policeman 5.proof 6.else 7.something 9.mind 10.anything


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