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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

经典例题解析 1 After supper,mother gave each of her daughters __________ orange. A.the B./ C.a D.an 2 I found __________ notebook on the floor.There was __________ f on the cover of__________ notebook. A.the...an...a B. a...a...a C. a...a...the D. a...an...the 3 Do you know __________ girl in a red coat. A.a B.an C.the D./ 4 A:Have you got __________ Email address? B:Oh,yes,mine is wjb80@yahoo.com. A.the B.an C.a D./ 5 __________ India and China are in _________ same continent. A. /...the B.The...the C./ ... / D./...the 6 Have you seen __________ pen? I left it here this morning. Is it __________black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A.a...the B.a...a C.the...a D.the...the 7 We cant see _________ sun in __________ sky at __________night. A.the...the...the B./...the...the C.the...the.../ D.the.../.../ 8 (改错) As everyone knows, Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks in the world. A B C D 9 After school,I often play __________ violin while my elder brother prefers to play __________ basketball. A.the...the...the B.the.../...the C./... the.../ D.the.../.../ 10 Jack is __________ most careful student,but he isnt __________most careful student in our class. A.the...the B.the...a C.a...a D.athe 11 Do you know__________ of the two girls? A.taller B.the taller C the tallest D.the tall 12 We made him __________ manager of our company.Look, ?????__________ manager is coming. A.the...the B.the.../ C./...the D./.../ 13 David comes from __________ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

答案解析 1 【解析】答案是D。晚饭之后妈妈给了每个女儿一只橘子。这里an相当于one,此外因为orange是以元音音素开头,所以只能用an。 2 【解析】答案是D。我发现地板上有一个笔记本。这个笔记本的封面上有一个字母f。这里notebook第一次出现时用a,而第二次提及时则用了the。另外f虽是辅音字母,但发音是[ef]以元音音素开头,所以用an。 注意以元音音素开头的字母除了a,e,i,o,u之外还有f,h,l,m,n,r,s,x。 3 【解析】答案是C。你认识那个穿红外套的姑娘吗?定冠词the可以用来表示某个或具有某些特定的人或东西,或是说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物。故此处选the合乎题意。又如:Turn on the light,please. Be careful when you cross the street. 这里的定冠词都是此意。 4 【解析】考查不定冠词表示泛指某一个,答案为B。此题反映了当前中考命题的一个特点:语言富有时代气息。 5 【解析】答案是A。国名前不需加冠词,但same前要用定冠词the。 6 【解析】答案为B。此题考查的是不定冠词的一般用法,但由于是在特定语境中考,难度就大大增加。不少考生看不出答语中I think和somewhere所表示的不确定语气,认为是特指,所以误选A。 7 【解析】答案是C。晚上,我们在天上看不见太阳。这里the sun,the sky为独一无二的东西,故选用定冠词。而at night在夜晚为习惯搭配,不用冠词。 8 【解析】答案是B。众所周知,颐和园是世界上最美丽的公园之一。summer Palace是由普通名词组成的专有名词,因此前面应该加定冠词the。所以本题B项是错误的。 9 【解析】答案是C。放学后,我经常拉小提琴,而我哥哥更喜欢打篮球。在乐器名词前 必须加定冠词,常见的有play the violin,play the piano,play the guitar。而在球类名词前则不用冠词,如:play basketball,play volleyball,play table tennis,play golf等。after school是一个习惯短语,school前是零冠词。 10 【解析】答案是D。句意为杰克是一个非常细心的学生,但并不是我们班最细心的。在最高级前面通常要用定冠词修饰;用不定冠词则表示非常,十分,很的意思。 11 【解析】答案是B。你认识两位女孩中较高的那个吗?在比较级前一般不用冠词,但 比较级前用定冠词则表示两者中较的那个,一般后接of the two等。 12 【解析】表示头衔与职务的词语前通常不用冠词,但如果这个词语转化为指一个具体的 人,则要在其前加冠词。所以本道题的答案应是C。 13 【解析】表示国家的名称以单个的词语出现时,前面一般不要加任何冠词,但假如这个 词语以全称的形式出现时,则要在其前加定冠词。如 China的全称是the Peoples Republic of China;America的全称是the United States of America。本题答案是B。 A.a B.the C.an D./经典例题解析 1 After supper,mother gave each of her daughters __________ orange. A.the B./ C.a D.an 2 I found __________ notebook on the floor.There was __________ f on the cover of__________ notebook. A.the...an...a B. a...a...a C. a...a...the D. a...an...the 3 Do you know __________ girl in a red coat. A.a B.an C.the D./ 4 A:Have you got __________ Email address? B:Oh,yes,mine is wjb80@yahoo.com. A.the B.an C.a D./ 5 __________ India and China are in _________ same continent. A. /...the B.The...the C./ ... / D./...the 6 Have you seen __________ pen? I left it here this morning. Is it __________black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A.a...the B.a...a C.the...a D.the...the 7 We cant see _________ sun in __________ sky at __________night. A.the...the...the B./...the...the C.the...the.../ D.the.../.../ 8 (改错) As everyone knows, Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful parks in the world. A B C D 9 After school,I often play __________ violin while my elder brother prefers to play __________ basketball. A.the...the...the B.the.../...the C./... the.../ D.the.../.../ 10 Jack is __________ most careful student,but he isnt __________most careful student in our class. A.the...the B.the...a C.a...a D.athe 11 Do you know__________ of the two girls? A.taller B.the taller C the tallest D.the tall 12 We made him __________ manager of our company.Look, ?????__________ manager is coming. A.the...the B.the.../ C./...the D./.../ 13 David comes from __________ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A.a B.the C.an D./


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