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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

代词语法经典例题 1.John sits among ______. A you, me and Mary B Mary, you and I C you, Mary and me D you, Mary and I 2.__________ performed the play very well. A The both children B They both C Both two boys D Both they 3.Dont worry. There is __________with you. A anything wrong B something wrong C nothing wrong D wrong something 4.Miss Brown will teach __________ English next term. A us B we C our D ours 5.Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for _________, with __________ best wishes. A you...our B us...your C you...your D us...our 6.There are many high rises on __________ side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent view! A either B neither C both D all 7.The boy received _______ education that he__________ hardly write his own name. A such littlecould B so littlecould C so fewcouldnt D such fewcouldnt 8. Whats in your ________ hand. A the other B other C another D one 9.The small village is too far away. __________ people have been there. A A few B A little C Few D Little 10.We found ________ important to relax ourselves. A that B its C it D this

答案及解析 1【解析】答案是C。人称代词并列使用时,如人称代词是复数,其排列顺序与汉语顺序一样。如果人称代词是单数,则排列顺序为第二人称、第三人称、第一人称。即you and he;you and I;he and I.此句中由于among是介词,所以代词用宾语形式,故选C。 2【解析】答案是B。both是一个多词性的单词,它可以是形容词、副词也可以是代词。There are trees on both sides of the river.此句中它是形容词;He is both a singer and an actor.此句中它是副词;Both of us want to go shopping.此句中它是代词。both作为代词使用,前面不能加the,也不能放在所指代词前面。因此,A和D不对,选项C中有both又有two,意思重复,也不对。因此选B。 3【解析】答案是C。当形容词修饰something,angthing,nothing等复合不定代词时,其位置须放在不定代词之后。故D被排除,而陈述句中不可用anything,又可以排除A。根据前句Dont worry意思,可以推断nothing wrong with you,故选C。 4【解析】答案是A。teach sb sth是一个常用语,sb作teach的间接宾语,故选A。 5【解析】答案是A。根据句意所要表达的向George祝愿圣诞快乐,并带着我们的祝福送你一张卡。介词for后接宾语,best wishes前用形容词物主代词our,所以选A。 6【解析】答案是A。因为either是单数,可以排除C,D。A答案中on either side of表达路的任何一边都有高楼,景观是多么的壮丽,意思完全正确。而B答案则表达路的两边完全没有高楼,很明显意思不对。 7【解析】答案是B。education是不可数名词,只能用little 修饰。故排除C,D。so后面修饰形容词,such后面修饰名词。但是如果名词前有little,few,many,much修饰并表示数量多少时用so,故本题选B。 8【解析】答案是B。此句表达:你的另一只手里面有什么?手一共有两只,一只,另一只的表达是onethe other,但在your后面不要the。因此选B。 9【解析】答案是C。people是可数名词,而little/a little 修饰不可数名词。故排除B,D。根据题意小山村太远,因此很少人去过那儿,A few意思有几个,few意思几乎没人,所以根据答案选C。 10【解析】答案是C。此句it是形式宾语,真正宾语是动词不定式to relax ourselves。


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