人大附中内部英语资料:高分词汇练习 1-查字典英语网
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人大附中内部英语资料:高分词汇练习 1

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. I think a__________is the most beautiful season in a year.

  2. He used to be n__________ before tests.

  3. He never met a f__________ who spoke such perfect Chinese.

  4. His poor h__________ can not be read even by himself.

  5. He has been keeping a d__________ in English since two years ago.

  6. Wet weather may c__________ for a few more days.

  7. He can play the v__________ very well.

  8. He went a__________for further study ten years ago and just came back to his hometown.

  9. The boy had a h__________ and had to see the doctor.

  10. He spent all his s__________ time helping the kids who cant afford to go to school.

  11. Do you have a s__________? I want to post the letter.

  12. The students were having a football match on the p__________.

  13. My English gave me some a__________ on how to improve my writing.

  14. It was c__________ of you to leave the door unlocked.

  15. Could you give me some s__________ on this matter?


  1. To be __________ with you, I dont think you can pass the examination.

  2. An __________ will protect you from the rain.

  3. The boy was so __________ that he ate up his meal in just a few minutes.

  4. Children __________on their parents for food and clothing.

  5. The Indians were the original inhabitants(居民)of North __________.

  6. His left knee was hurt in a traffic __________.

  7. Dont make so much __________. I can hardly hear the actors talking.

  8. If today is __________, the day before yesterday was Monday.

  9. __________ first is the National Day of China.

  10. It hardly rained for half an year and the fields were __________ for rain.

  11. --I got up late, so I hurried to school without __________.

  --Dont do that again. It bad for you health.

  12. We went camping and enjoyed __________ in the open air for a whole day.

  13. I go to the __________ to borrow some books once a month.

  14. She was too __________ to speak before all the teachers the students.

  15. The plane landed safely on Beijing International __________.


  1. Its often _____________ in this small northern city in winter. (snow)

  2. The old man is such _____________that he has donated a million dollars to charity. (help)

  3. He is a _____________writer and his novels always make people laugh. (humor)

  4. Peter said that Mr. Smith was going to give us a _____________ on science.(speak)

  5. He can speak _____________very well. (Japan)

  6. Even in winter, the beautiful seaside city is full of _____________. (visit)

  7. John is very _____________ of his new car. (pride)

  8. The _____________of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.(invent)

  9. _____________ days always make me sad. (rain)

  10. You should look up the right _____________ of this word in the dictionary. (pronounce)

  11. They are doing a survey about the students _____________ activities.(day)

  12. He came to the meeting in spite of his _____________. (ill)

  13. It is said that there are _____________ in this forest. (wolf)

  14. The good news _____________ everyone in the room. (exciting)

  15. Im too _____________ to watch the end of the show. (sleep)



  1.autumn 2. nervous 3. foreigner 4. handwriting 5. diary 6. continue 7. violin

  8. abroad 9. headache 10. spare 11. stamp 12. playground 13. advice14. careless

  15. suggestions


  1. honest 2. umbrella 3. hungry 4. depend 5. America 6. accident 7. noise

  8. Wednesday 9. October 10. thirsty 11. breakfast 12. ourselves 13. library 14. shy

  15. Airport


  1. snowy 2. helpful 3. humorous 4. speech 5. Japanese 6. visitors 7. proud

  8. invention 9. Rainy 10. pronunciation 11. daily 12. illness 13. wolves 14. excited 15. sleepy




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