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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my d____________.

  2. I think I should be allowed to make d ___________s for myself.

  3. The sun gives us light d__________ the day.

  4. His mother always e__________ s him to study harder.

  5. I find it hard to e__________ my meaning.

  6. He felt quite sad because he f______ ed the math test.

  7. Since then, the g __________ has passed laws to protect the manatees.

  8. Tears f______ her eyes.

  9. In g_________, France is quite an expensive place.

  10. What h_________ed next?

  11. is a good girl. She helps her mother with the h___________ every day.

  12. you i___________ what life will be like in 100 years?

  13. Hell send us a m____________ as soon as he arrives in Sichuan.

  14. Parents dont need us to buy something for them. I___________, making a meal is enough.

  15. We mustnt cross the street when the red l___________ is on.

  16. -- How big are elephants?

  -- They are l___________. They are about 10 feet long and they weigh about 2 ,000 pounds.

  17. Mom is used to making a shopping l__________ before going to the supermarket.

  18.I really m__________ my friend Tina. She moved to another town.

  19.Books make us happy and give us k____________.

  20.My family want to take a trip this summer. Could you give us some i___________ about the kinds of vacations?

  21. o__________ plays basketball with his father on Sundays.

  22. so hot. Please o__________ the door.

  23. I saw the whole accident with my o___________ eyes.

  24. My shoes are old, I want to buy a new p____________

  25. Sometimes we can give flowers as a p____________.

  26. Im really happy to r_____________ your letter

  27. Mary, can you answer the q________________?

  28. Its good for you to r_____________ your bike to school.

  29. I dont think your answer is r______________

  30. Peter and I are 14 years old. We are at the s___________ age。

  31. Would you lend me your phone, please?

  - I need to give my mother a c_______ to tell her the good news.

  32. Chinese have b_______ hair and yellow skin.

  33. Li Mings home is far a_______ from school. So he always takes bus.

  34. - What c_______ is your T-shirt? -Its blue.

  35. I dont have enough money, so I have to go to the b_______ to get some money.

  36. - Id like something to read.-O k. Herere some b_______.

  37. Smith likes a_______. He often draws pictures in his free time.

  38. Paris is the c_______ of France.

  39. His uncle went abroad five years a_______.

  40. He has a beautiful w_________ and a lovely daughter.

  41. My father went to Shanghai y_____________ and he hasnt been back yet.

  42. Youd better look up the dictionary when you meet new w_______.

  43. ---How often do you go to the movies? ---T__________ a month.

  44. Nothing can live in the earth w___________ the air.

  45. ---Do you want s_________ to eat? ---No, thanks.

  46. The s_________ happened long ago.

  47. I don like this y_________ sweater. I like that green one.

  48. Gansu is in the w___________ of China.

  49. It is said that there are billions of s__________ in the sky.

  50. Im thirsty, mom. Could you give me some w_________?

  51. There is a basketball u__________ the table.

  52. Tom plays basketball very w___________. He is in the school basketball team.

  53. Smoking is a serious problem in this s___________.

  54. ---How many members are there in a football t_________? ---Eleven.

  55. To my surprise, he walked t__________ me.

  56. Dunhuang is a small t______ in Gansu. But its famous for mural painting.

  57. Could you please clean your room? ---S_______. Ill do it right now.

  58. On my w______ home, I saw a little boy crying in the corner.

  59. The children are busy doing t________ homework.

  60. I like winter very much because I think w_________ snow is very beautiful.

  61. There are many trees on each s__________ of the street.

  62. I havent finished my homework y__________. I need to hurry up.

  63. His brother is a tall boy, but he is very s____________.

  64. Our English teacher has an 8-year-old s___________.

  65. There are t_________ books on the table. One is mine, the other is Lilys.

  66. Dont forget to t__________ him when someone helps you.

  67. We need to get on well w_________ each other.

  68. Have you done your homework? T_______ you can watch TV.

  69. I w________ tell him the news as soon as he comes back.

  70. I have a twin s___________. Her name is Mary.


  1.dream 2. decisions 3. during 4. encourage 5. express 6. failed

  7. government 8. filled 9. general 10. happened 11. housework

  12. imagine 13. message 14. Instead 15. light 16. large 17. list

  18. miss 19. knowledge 20. information 21. often 22. open 23. own

  24. pair 25. present 26. receive 27. question 28. ride 29. right

  30. same 31. call 32. black 33. away 34. color 35. bank 36. books 37. art 38. capital 39.ago 40.wife 41.yesterday 42.words 43.Twice 44.without 45.something 46.story 47.yellow 48.west 49.stars 50.water 51.under 52.well

  53.society 54.team 55.towards 56.town 57. Sure 58.way 59.their 60.white

  61. side 62.yet 63.short 64.son 65.two 66.thank 67.with 68.Then 69.will 70.sister




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