中考英语:巧记单词 词语点击(come、give、go、have、put与take)-查字典英语网
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中考英语:巧记单词 词语点击(come、give、go、have、put与take)

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  come across (无意中)碰到、遇到 

  come along 跟着来、快点       

  come back 回来

  come down 下来、下降、跌价     

   come from 来自

  come on 赶快、加油     

  come in 进来

  come out 出来、出版、开花、发芽

  come over 顺便来访       

  come true 实现、达到

  come up 走过来、走近       

  come up with 提出


  Hi, Sam. Were going for a walk. Would you like to _____?

  Great! Lets go.(06江西)

  A. come along B. come on 

  C. come out D. come up



  give away 赠送、分发     

  give back 还给

  give in 让步、投降      

  give off 散发出

  give out 分发、发放      

  give up 放弃


  He has failed several times, but he wont _____. (06河北)

  A. go on B. come on C. get up D. give up



  1. 用作不及物动词,表示去、离开。如:

    We must go for lunch now.

  2. 用作不及物动词,表示进行、进展。如:

     Everything goes well.

  3. 用作系动词,表示变得(常常指由好变坏)。如:

     Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.

  4. 用于have gone to结构,表示去了某地。如:

    Mr. Wilson isnt here. He has gone to Wuhan.

  5. 用于be going to结构,表示打算、将要。如:

    He is going to buy her some shoes.


  go ahead 往前走、做吧、干吧 

  go by (指时间)过去、消逝    

  go to sleep 入睡

  go for a walk / walks 去散步  

  go home 回家

  go off 离开、(闹钟)响起     

  go on 继续

  go over复习、过一遍

  go skating / shopping 去滑冰 / 购物

  go to a movie 去看电影    

   go to bed 上床睡觉

  go to school / work 去上学 / 上班


  Where can I find Jack?

  He _____ the post office.(06湖北武汉)

  A. has been to B. had been to 

  C. has gone to D. had gone to



  1. 用作助动词,构成完成时态,无实义。如:

    What have you been doing since then?

  2. 用作及物动词,表示有,常可与have got替换。如:

     I have (got) an English dictionary.

  3. 与名词(多与动词同形)连用,表示一种活动或动作。如:

     have a talk / look / drink / rest / quarrel

  4. 用作及物动词,表示吃、喝、抽(烟)。如:

     have breakfast / some coffee / a cigarette

  5. 用作及物动词,表示使、让。


    She had the little girl live with her.


  Where can I find Jack?

  He _____ the post office.(06湖北武汉)

  A. has been to B. had been to 

  C. has gone to D. had gone to


  She had her eyes tested yesterday.


  I cant have that kind of thing happening.

  Will you have him in?

  Can I have the children to our house?


  have fun / a good time / a great time 玩得开心 

  have to 不得不、必须

  have a cold 患感冒 have a go 试一试


  1. Tina had nothing for breakfast, _____ she?

    _____. She had some bread and milk.(06江苏扬州)

    A. had; Yes B. had; No 

    C. did; Yes D. did; No

  2. Have you finished reading Harry Potter V?

    _____. I still have some pages. (05福建厦门)

    A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont 

    C. Yes, I have D. No, I havent



  put away 放好、收起来 put down 放下、记下  

  put off 推迟、拖延 put on 穿上、演出

  put out 熄灭 put up 展示、张贴、搭起


  1. We have to _____ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.(06辽宁锦州)

  A. put off B. put on 

  C. put up D. put down

  2. Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk.

  Oh, sorry. Ill _____ right now. (06江苏南通)

  A. put them away B. put them up 

  C. put them on D. put them down

  3. There was a fire in the street last night, but the firemen ______ within twenty minutes.(06广东广州)

  A. took it out B. brought it out 

  C. worked it out D. put it out

  4. Its cold outside. Youd better _____ your warm clothes, Lucy.(06山东济南)

  A. put on B. put away C. put up D. put off 



  take a holiday / vacation 休假、度假 take an interest in 对感兴趣

  take a ride 兜风 take a shower 淋浴、洗澡

  take a walk 散步 take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像

  take away 拿走 take care of 照看、照顾

  take it easy 从容、轻松、不紧张 take notes 做笔记、做记录

  take off 脱掉、起飞 take out 取出

  take part in 参加 take place 发生

  take pride in 对感到自豪


  Jenny, please _____ your young sister carefully.

  OK, Mum.(06贵州贵阳)

  A. take after B. take care of C. take from




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