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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.It will ________ several years to learn English well.(2013.绥化)

  A.cost   B.take   C.spend

  2.If we Chinese work hard together.China Dream will ________.(2013,遂宁)

  A.come out B.come true C.achieve

  3.What can we do to ________ bird flu from spreading?

  Try not to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked.(2013,泉州)

  A.prevent B.cause C.discover

  4.Boy,your books are everywhere.Please ________.(2013,株洲)

  A.put them up B.put them on

  C.put them away

  5.The fire was finally ________ in Jilin province on June 3 Unfortunately,119 people lost their lives.

  I hope the accident like this wont happen again.(2013,咸宁)

  A.put down B.put away

  C.put out D.put up

  6.If you want to change the world,you have to ________ yourself first.(2013,河南)

  A.enjoy B.check C.help D.change

  7.Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you ________ it for me?

  No problem.(2013,荆门)

  A.bring B.fetch

  C.take D.carry

  8.One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to ________ good eating habits.(2013,泰安)

  A.grow B.develop

  C.increase D.find

  9.Dinner is ready.Help yourself!

  Wow!It ________ delicious.You are really good at cooking.(2013,孝感)

  A.looks B.sounds

  C.tastes D.feels

  10.Alice,could you help me ________ the meat?I want to make some dumplings for dinner.

  OK.Ill do it right away.(2013,济南)

  A.put up B.give up

  C.use up D.cut up

  11.What are you packing so many books for,Grandma?

  Ill ________ to the kids in West China.(2013,威海)

  A.give them up B.give them away

  C.give them off D.give them in

  12.Again and again the doctor ________ the crying baby girl,but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her.(2013,广东)

  A.looked over B.looked after

  C.looked for D.looked out

  13.________ I swim here?

  No,you ________.Look at the sign No swimming.(2013,广安)

  A.Must;cant B.Can;dont

  C.Can;mustnt D.Must;neednt

  14.From March 23rd 2013,anyone under the age of 14 ________ go into Disneys US parks alone.(2013,连云港)

  A.couldnt B.mustnt

  C.neednt D.mightnt

  15.I think the girl under the tree must be Alice.

  No,it ________ be her.She is in the gym now.(2013,乌鲁木齐)

  A.cant B.mustnt C.may D.may not

  16.Shall I take my swimming suit?

  No,you ________.We will just go hiking in the mountain.(2013,常州)

  A.mustnt B.couldnt C.neednt D.cant



  17.My parents and grandparents keep e________ (鼓励) me to study hard.

  18.When we c________(比较) western culture with Chinese culture,youll find many differences.

  19.John went out and l________ (锁住) the door behind him.

  20.These engineers successfully d________ (开发) a new kind of energysaving car last year.

  21.The little child is too young to d________ (穿衣) himself.Lets help him.


  1~5.BCDAC 6~8.BCD


  【例1】D 【例2】A 【例3】C 【例4】B 【例5】A

  【例6】A 【例7】A 【例8】D 【例9】C 【例10】C

  【例11】D 【例12】B


  一、1~5.BACCD 6~10.BCBAD 11~15.DCCBC



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