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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


    1. W do you like pandas?

    2. An e is the biggest(最大的)animal in the world.

    3. We don't like Tom because he is kind of l .

    4. Lions are from A .

    5. Tigers and Lions like to eat m .

    6. Maria is a b girl.

    7. Tom is very h . He wants to eat two hamburgers.

    8. There are many z in Beijing.

    9. Just go t the park, you can find the bank on Center Street.

    10.My sister loves g very much.


    ( )1. -Why do you like Koala Bears?

    -_____ they are cute and smart.

    A. And B. For C. Because D. But

    ( )2. _____ pandas from China?

    A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does

    ( )3. Students ______ nine hours a day.

    A. sleeps B. sleep C. are sleep D. sleeping

    ( )4. People usually think lions are _____ scary.

    A. kinds of B. kind C. kind of D. all kinds of

    ( )5. Tigers like _____ meat.

    A. eat B. eats C. eating D. have

    ( )6. There is in the city zoo. It's very clever.

     A. a elephant B. an elephant C. the elephantD. elephant

    ( )7. Why your friend like tigers?

     A. is B. does C. do D. are

    ( )8. Go straight along this street and . You can see the post office.

    A. turn the left B. turn to right C. turn leftD. turn the right

    ( )9. Do you enjoy books?

     A. seeing B. looking C. reading D. to read

    ( )10. -Where do you want now?

    -The zoo.

     A. go B. to go C. goes D. go to

    ( )11. a park near your house?

    A. Is there B. Is this C. Is that D. Are there

    ( )12. -Where are from?

    -They are from China.

    A. lions B. koalas C. dolphins D. pandas

    ( )13. -Where do you ?

    - In London.

    A. come from B. live in C. live D. from

    ( )14. Lions sleep the day and get up night.

    A. in ; in B. in; at C. during ; in D. at; in

    ( )15.Lily with her friends often to the zoo to see animals.

    A. goes B. going C. go D. is going

    ( )16. those lions from?

     A. Where are B. Where, come C. Where are;/ D. What, are

    ( )17.I don't like the big bear, because it's .

     A. clever B. beautiful C. smart D. ugly

    ( )18. There ______ two cats and a big dog under the tree.

     A. is B. are C. am D. be

    ( )19. The bank is ________ Beijing Street.

     A. in B. at C. on D. from

    ( )20. My friend Bei Hai with her sister.

    A. lives B. live in C. live D. lives in


    A. The hotel is on the right B. Where is C. Walk across

    D. Could you tell me E. Go along F. Excuse me.

    A: Are there any hotels in the neighborhood?

    B: Yes, there are.

    A: the way to the nearest one, please?

    B: Sure. this street and turn right at the second crossing.

     the bridge. It's between a bank and a post office.

    A: Thanks a lot.

    B: You're welcome.


    I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are 1 , you can go there with your family. 2 the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, pandas, 3 , tigers and other animals. Elephants are the 4 animals on land(陆地). I hear there 5 a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to 6 at it. Liao Lan wants to go with me. She 7 , Shall we go together? Sure, I say. We can 8 a good time there. But let's 9 there at half past four. I have 10 homework to do.

    ( )1. A. busy B. free C. young D. clean

    ( )2. A. In B. On C. For D. Near

    ( )3. A. monkeys B. monkies C. monkey D. monkeyes

    ( )4. A. youngest B. smallest C. biggest D. tallest

    ( )5. A. are B. am C. is D. be

    ( )6. A. looks B. have a look C. see D. have a see

    ( )7. A. say B. says C. saying D. to say

    ( )8. A. get B. have C. be D. make

    ( )9. A. goes B. go C. to go D. going

    ( )10.A.few B. little C. much D. more


    1. Let's go to the park . (one)

    2. How many (box)can you see?

    3. Dogs are (friend) to people.

    4. Why do you look at (he)?

    5. Let's (are)quiet, OK?

    6. His little sister is eight (year)old.

    7. She wants to learn (Japan)very much.

    8. My father likes going through the park and (take)a walk after dinner.

    9. There are much (leaf)on the street.

    10. Lisa sits between you and .(she)


    1.He likes dolphins very much.(变一般疑问句)

    ________ he ________ dolphins very much?

    2.I like Tom because he is very friendly.(对划线部分提问)

    ______ do _____ like Tom?

    3.The shy girl wants to see giraffes.(对划线部分提问)

    ________ ________ does the shy girl want to see?

    4.Does your brother have lots of clever friends? (变陈述句)

    ________ brother ______ lots of clever friends.

    5.Pandas are from China.(同义句转换)

    Pandas _______ ________ China.


    ( )1.Why do you want see the tigers?

     A B C

    ( )2. Koalas are kinds of interesting.

     A B C

    ( )3. At night he gets up and eats leafs.

     A B C D

    ( )4. He usually sleeps and realxs 20 hours a day.

     A B C

    ( )5. The bank across from my house.

     A B C

    八、 书面表达(10分)




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