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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. I will s_______ the pictures to you after they come out.

  2. On a _________ (下雪的) night the story happened.

  3. The song s________ beautiful and everybody likes to listen to it.

  4. People feed on rice in the _______(南方).

  5. Tom is s________ enough to carry the heavy stone alone.

  6. Science is the most interesting of all the s_________.

  7. Today is the ________ (阳光的,晴朗的)than yesterday.

  8. The fish smells nice. Would you like to have a t_______?

  9. _________(千) of patients are treated in the hospital every day.

  10. The dog was ________(捆,系,栓) to the tree.

  11. He felt hungry and t________ after a long journey.

  12. One day his dream will surely come t________.

  13. It is going to rain. Why not take a raincoat and an u________ with you?

  14. Lets do as he says. He is r________.

  15. English is the most u________ and important language. It is widely used all over the world.

  16. He was born in a small mountain v_________.

  17. The museum is _________(参观) by hundreds of people every day.

  18. When spring comes, the days are getting w________.

  19. What w________ weather! It has been raining for the whole week.

  20. With these ________(话),the teacher left the classroom _________(生气).

  21. The teacher got a________ at his being late for school again and again.

  22. My parents __________(希望) me to be a doctor when I was a child.

  23. The old man was ________(撞) when he was going a________ the street.

  24. Every one should take an a_________ part in protecting the environment.

  25. That kind of the house costs too much. I cant a________ it.

  26. ---Who helped you to finish the work? ---I did it all by m__________.

  27. ---Have they reached the hotel? ---Yes. They a__________ there half an hour ago.

  28. ---I didnt fall asleep until it was 2:00 in the morning.

   ---You mean you kept a_______ till 2:00 in the morning?

  29. He is always borrowing money from others. All are f_______ up with him.

  30. We ________ (相信) Ningbos future will be better and brighter.

北京四中 中考英语语法知识难点



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