初三英语期末测评模拟题 08海淀区-查字典英语网
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初三英语期末测评模拟题 08海淀区

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  15. Where are______ keys? I cant find them.


  A. I

  B. me

  C. my

  D. mine


  16. In china, Spring Festival always comes ______ January or February.


  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. to


  17. --- ______ did you go last summer vacation, Kathy?

   --- I went to Harbin.


  A. What

  B. Why

  C. When

  D. Where


  18. Im hungry, mum. Can I have some ______?


  A. books

  B. cakes

  C. drinks

  D. sports


  19. Bob, its 7:30. Hurry up, ______ youll be late for school.


  A. but

  B. and

  C. or

  D. so


  20. --- Have you seen Harry Potter V?

   --- Of course, it is one of ______ movies this year.


  A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular


  21. --- How can I get to Peoples Hospital?

   --- Youd better ______ a taxi. It is far from here.


  A. take

  B. took

  C. taking

  D. to take


  22. --- Youve told Mary the good news, havent you?

   --- No. Ill tell her as soon as she ______ back.


  A. come

  B. comes

  C. came

  D. will come


  23. --- ______ you play tennis?

   --- No. But I am good at playing football.


  A. Can

  B. May

  C. Must

  D. Should


  24. My teacher asked me ______ a speech in front of the whole school the next week.


  A. give

  B. gave

  C. to give

  D. giving


  25. My twin sister ______ to music when I got home.


  A. listens B. listened C. is listening D. was listening


  26. My uncle is a computer programmer in IBM. He ______ there for 5 years.


  A. works

  B. worked

  C. will work

  D. has worked


  27. Yesterday we visited an old church. It ______ more than 100 years ago.


  A. built

  B. is built

  C. was built

  D. has built


  28. I enjoy my life here. I have ______ friends, and we meet quite often.


  A. few

  B. a few

  C. little

  D. a little


  29. ---What can we do to help the kids in the poor areas?

   --- We could ______ signs asking for old books.


  A. put up

  B. put on

  C. put down

  D. put off


  30. Dad, I think you should stop ______. Its bad for your health.


  A. smoke

  B. smoked

  C. smoking

  D. to smoke


  31. --- Im flying to Pairs tomorrow.

   --- ____________!


  A. Thats all right

  C. Thank you very much

  B. Thats a good idea

  D. Have a good trip


  32. Can you tell me ______ tomorrow evening?


  A. when will the party start

  C. when did the party start

  B. when the party will start

  D. when the party started


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