09四中签约 内部英语试题完形填空分析-查字典英语网
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09四中签约 内部英语试题完形填空分析

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编







     Ever since Jonathan had set up the house in Compton Street, he had looked after it very carefully. Before he left the house in the morning, he carefully closed all the   38  downstairs, opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front gate. 39  Jonathan did was tidy and orderly.

      One summer evening Jonathan returned home 40   at five minutes to seven exactly. When he opened the front gate, he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the earth in one of the flower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame(责怪)the milkman or the postman  41   he noticed that one of the curtains in the front room downstairs was out of place. Jonathan never left anything out of place.

    He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few moments, but could hear nothing. The front-room door was half-open. Jonathan studied it carefully,  42   if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten before. He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked 43   the room. The shadow(影子) of a man was clearly reflected on (映在) the far 44   in the evening sunlight. He had been standing behind the door since Jonathan's return. Jonathan grabbed the door-handle,  45   the door quickly and turned the key. Then he 46   the telephone in the hall and set about calling the police.

    The thief tried to climb through a window to get out, but Jonathan had 47  that. He attacked him with his umbrella,  48  it as a sword(剑). Three minutes later the 49 arrived there. Jonathan was a little angry that he had to have dinner later than usual, but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.

    38. A. windows   B. rooms      C. doors      D. houses

    39. A. Things    B. Something     C.Anything    D.Everything

    40. A. as usual    B. all the time  C. right away   D. as soon as

    41. A. as      B. while      C. when       D. before

    42. A. thinking   B. guessing    C. wondering     D. surprising

    43. A. at      B. through     C. inside      D. over

    44. A. door     B. window      C. gate        D. wall

    45. A. opened    B. locked      C. shut         D. tied

    46. A. picked away  B. picked up    C. picked down    D. picked out 

    47. A. hoped    B. wished     C. expected      D. supposed

    48. A. using     B. doing      C. making      D. holding

    49. A. milkman    B. postman     C. thief       D. police

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