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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. This book can give you the answers to the questions most often asked by parents,teachers and students themselves.

  2 The American offcial, the French,Japanese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame,and did ont dare to answer.

  3 Teaching them small acts of kindness,such as letting someone else go through a door first as they hold it open,may seem unimportant, but it can go a long way toward helping students realize how to be polite and thank others .

  4.Id just started reversing into the space when another car made its way into it.

  5.Russian great tennis player Sharapova will not be playing in the MPS Group Championships, which begins in the US on Monday.

  6.Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences.

  7.Others say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars.

  8.It was a reminder to Australians of how the weather could change their lives.

  9.The recordes we have chosen for you today are from American country musid, Indian music, pop music and so on.

  10.Its not easy to find a person with the qualities it takes to be a hero.

  11.There are many companies around the world that welcome these students on their projects--helping peopple in poorer countries, or even in your home country.

  12.Doctors and other scientists who study the human mind and try to explain why people behave in the way that they do, called psychologists, are starting to believe it.

  13.Thanks to the great amount of rainfall, Ireland is a very green rural country with some places seeing rain for 225 days in a year.

  14.They can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches.

  15.Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes dont change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers.

  16.He called himself the first clown in spacewho enter-tained the crew of the ISS and hosted a show from space.

  17.Its not on important things like food, but on things like candy and chocolate, and all of those things that others cant afford and thats unhealthy.

  18.Knowing the mother was about to give up the treatment for her child because of the shortage of money and get back their home in Zhangjiakou of North Chinas Hebei Province,Premier Wen asked his members to arrange treatment for Li Rui at a hospital in Beijing.

  19.Youll usually begin to notise that youre growing faster atout a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.

  20.However,Jimmys plane settled down into the marshy ground. Jimmy and his fellows made their way back to civilization after 11days.

  21.One day an earthquake rocked the mountain,causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain

  To a chicken farm, located in the valley below.

  22.Have you ever waited in the lunch line only to find when you get to the front that you dont like what theyre serving?

  23.Li Jun,a 17-year-old girl from Shenzhen Foreign Language School,still cant believe her 10-day free training camp in the Alps in Switzerland last month was true.

  24.Unluckily,homework has to be done,outside class-during times when you would probably much rather be doing something else,for example,you prefer going to a birthday party to copying out a whole Chinese text.

  25.Whenever the house gets quiet,Mrs. Smith just knows where to find her 6-year-old daughter,Marea: lost in the world of stories.

  26.He often drew pictures on the floor with chalk and when his mother saw what he had done, she would quickly clean them with a mop.

  27.Although many companies have no plans for hiring more workers,the managers said students could still find opportunities in hard times.

  28.U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day in 1962 when he saw polluted rivers and citids covered with smoke.

  29.Kloor says the movie is about a photon, a sun particle,who has to save the universe from being

  Destroyed by the Void.

  30.This process, which helps us to deal with culture shock,is the way our brain and our personality react to the strange new things we meet with when we move from one culture to another.

  31Hello .In Japanese culture,it also depends on whether you are on the phone or meeting somebody or whether you are close to the person you are greeting.

  32.It has everything to do with removing the chimicals from your body that youve been putting in there by smoking.

  33.The best storytellers were mothers who used funny voices to show different characters or made their own special sound effects to keep the story moving,researchers said.

  34. The speaker began to crumple up the $20 bill using both his hands until it became a piece of wrinkled paper.

  35.In many countries, some people return to school in their late twenties, thirties, or even older to get a higher degree

  36.Futher experiments will have the dolphins swim through an obstacle field of good objects that wont hurt the animals,such as nets, ropes in the water.

  37.They are nothing now,and will be nothing in the future, unless they take the advice of their parents and teachers,and most importantly, depend on themselves.

  38.None of the teenagers interviewed in the survey are experiencing any problems in buying cigarettes in shops or supermarkets.

  39.At Xiaoyus home, the experts noticed these colorful nursing bottles and bowls her mother had carefully selected for her have lots of lead.

  40.Just like bears and frogs, the hibermation of human beings would cause a persons metabolism to lower, so they would need less energy.

  41.People who join the companys mother club can get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the companys educational toys and child care books.

  42.Instead of owning our own car,which costs money everyday, we can share cars and only pay money when we use them..

  43.A two-year-old boy in Britain has an IQ of at least 160,equal to that of Altert Einstein and Stephen Hswking, and has become the youngest boy in the country as a member of Mensa.

  44.The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journet to the Center of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon.

  45.Although the influenza virus is alive throughout the world in all four seasons, it seems to have its greatest effect on humans during the winter.

  46. The hole must be deep enough to reach a good aquifer where groundwater is stored in large amounts.

  47.I can help people who need health care get health care, and people who need jobs get jobs.

  48.His back hurt so much that he could mot exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet.

  49.Experts and his colleagues found that among children who often ate cured meats and fish,those who also ate vegetables or soy products had a very low possibility of getting leukemia.

  50.The first time we met her was right after the May earthquake,in her hometown in Sichuan Province.

  51.There are thousands of products of all colours and shapes in a supermarket,making you believe that they are worth a try.

  52.The city has removed 4000 old polluting buses and 30000 cabs from service this year and replaced them with vehicles meeting new, state emission standards.

  53.Report from the China Renewable Energy Society showed more than two thirds of Chinas land receives more than 2200 hours sunshine every year.

  54.When he passed all his exams, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him.

  55.The story of Bruce Lee, a new home-produced feature film, will be shown on the college sports ground at seven tonight.

  56.This will probably disappear from the body altogether sometime, because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer.

  57.At sight of this note, please come to Room 401 ,Dormitory3, where Zhang Biao needs you to help him to sweep the floor.

  58.Its OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people.

  59.A chemical that controls growth, which is called a hormone, moves into your bloodstream.

  60.He searched out the farmer whom the king bad apoken to and asked him the answer to the riddle.

  61.He sat on a branch, shivering with cold water dripping from its body.

  62.The drunk man asked the police if they knew where Mabel was as he was put into the back seat of the police car.

  63.We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekend.


  1. 这本书会给出很多经常被父母,老师和学生问到的问题的答案

  2. 之前发言的美国,法国和日本的官员都羞愧到低下了头,不敢回答。

  3. 教他们从小的善事做起,比如进门时让别人先进出,为别人撑着门,这些看起来重要,但是对于帮助学生认识到如何变得礼貌和感激别人大有帮助。

  4. 我刚要把车倒进停车位时,另一辆车开进去了。

  5. 俄罗斯著名的网球运动员莎拉波娃将不参加周一在美国举行的MPS集团冠军赛。

  6. 在一起攀登时,我和父亲过去常常有谈不完的话,通过这些交谈我从他的经历中吸取许多教训。

  7. 但是有人说生产污染小的汽车还不如少造车。

  8. 这是对澳大利亚人关于环境将如何改变他们生活的一种警示。

  9. 今天我们给你们选择的唱片有美国的乡村音乐,印度音乐和流行音乐等。

  10. 找到一个具有英雄品质的人,并非易事。

  11. 在世界范围内,有许多欢迎这些学生的公司,这些公司非常欣赏学生们帮助贫穷国家甚至自己国家的穷人的举动。

  12. 研究人的大脑思维并试着去解释为什么人们那样做的科学家和医生,也就是心理学家,开始去相信这一点。

  13. 由于大量的降雨,爱尔兰就成了一个绿色,非常具有乡村风味且在有些地方一年可以见到225个雨天的国家。

  14. 他们能够带打包的午餐,这种打包的午餐里通常含有像三明治这样的冷食物。

  15. 眼睛识别技术比其它种类的识别技术要好,因为你的眼睛不会随着你变老而发生变化,也不像手或手指一样会变脏。

  16. 他称自己为进入国际空间站并在太空举办演出的太空第一小丑。

  17. 钱没花在像食品这样的东西上,而是花在像巧克力这些别人买不起的东西上,这不利于健康。

  18. 当温家宝总理得知这位母亲因为没钱想放弃孩子的治疗要回河北张家口的家时,总理让他的助手安排李瑞去北京的一家医院治疗。

  19. 在你的身体开始出现青春期的第一变化之后,一年左右的时间内你通常才会意识到自己长得很快。

  20. 然而,Jimmy Angel的飞机降落到沼泽地中。Jimmy Angel和他的伙伴们历尽艰辛在11天后返回到文明社会。

  21. 一天山上发生地震,导致其中的一个蛋从山上滚下,落在了下面山谷中的一个机场中。

  22. 一天当它们在农场上玩游戏的时候,这只鹰看着头顶的天空,注意到一群强壮的鹰在空中飞翔。

  23. 你有没有曾经排队等着午餐,当轮到你的时候才发现,他们所提供的菜式你都不喜欢。

  24. 李君那一个来自深圳外国语学校的十七岁女生,仍然不敢相信她上个月在瑞士的阿尔卑斯山脉进行的十天的免费野营训练是真的。

  25. 无论什么时候,一旦房间安静下来,史密斯太太都知道去哪里找她六岁的女儿-玛丽亚;沉浸于故事的世界了。

  26. 他经常在地板上用粉笔画画,当他的妈妈看到这些时,会用拖把迅速擦掉。

  27. 尽管许多公司没有雇佣更多员工的计划,但是,经理们说,学生们仍能在艰难时期找到就业的机会。

  28. 1962年当美国参议员盖洛尼尔森看到污染的河流和烟雾弥漫的城市时,第一次提出创立地球日的想法。

  29. 克鲁尔说那部电影是关于光子的(光子是太阳的微粒子)它能够使宇宙免受真空破坏。

  30. 这种帮助我们处理文化冲击的过程,是当我们从一种文化进入另一种文化时,我们的大脑和个性对所遇到的陌生新奇事物做出反应的过程。

  31. 在日本文化中,如何说hello还取决于你是否打电话,在与朋友见面或你是否与同你打招呼的人关系亲密。

  32. 它与消除通过吸烟产生在你身体里的化学物质有关。

  33. 研究者说,最后的讲故事的人是妈妈,他们用有趣的声音去演示不同的角色,或者用他们独特的声音效果使故事动人。

  34. 演讲者开始用他的双手去揉搓那张20美元的钞票,直到它变成一张褶皱的纸。

  35. 在许多国家,一些人在二十岁,三十岁后,甚至更大年龄时回到学校,目的是为了得到一个更高的学位。

  36. 进一步的实验会让海豚穿过一片由好的材料制成的障碍物,如网,水中的绳子,这些障碍物不会伤害到他们。

  37. 他们现在什么都不是,将来也必定一事无成,除非他们接受父母和老师的建议,而且最重要的是依靠他们自己。

  38. 在调查中,被采访的青少年没有一个在商店或超市买烟时遇到过任何困难。

  39. 她是如此害怕小鸟飞走后她再也见不到它了,于是当小鸟飞近她的时,她野蛮地抓住了

  40. 就像熊和青蛙一样,人类的冬眠将导致人的新陈代谢下降,于是他们将需要更少的能量。

  41. 如果他们同意在公司的教育玩具和儿童保健书籍方面每月花费18美元,加入公司母亲俱乐部的人们能够没有任何附加费地得到关于婴幼儿发展的演讲和简讯。

  42. 拥有自家车每天都要花钱,所以当我们想用汽车的时候,我们可以通过分享汽车并且只付使用费的方式来代替拥有自己的车。

  43. 英国一个两岁的男孩至少有160的智商,相当于爱因斯坦和斯蒂芬霍金的智商,而且他成为这个国家中年龄最小的门萨成员。

  44. 这本书的成功鼓励他去写更多的小说,例如,地心游记和从地球到月球。

  45. 尽管流感病毒在一年中的四个季节都能生存,但是,看起来它在冬季对人们的影响更大。

  46. 井必须足够深才能达到好的地下出水层,因为大量的地下水储存在那里。

  47. 我能帮助需要医疗保健的人享受到医疗保健服务,需要工作的人得到工作。

  48. 他的背伤得如此严重,以至于他一周不能锻炼而且坐车去参加比赛的时候,上下车都需要人帮助。

  49. 专家和他们的同事发现,经常吃咸肉和咸鱼的孩子中,也吃蔬菜和豆制品的人有较低的患白血病的可能性。

  50. 我们第一次遇见她恰好是在5月的大地震后,地点是在她的四川老家。

  51. 超市里有成千上万种各种颜色和形状的产品,这些形形色色的产品会使你相信他们值得购买。

  52. 今年这个城市已经停用了4000辆破旧的污染严重的公共汽车和30,000 辆服务性的出租车,取而代之的是新的符合国家排放标准的车辆。

  53. 来自中国可持续能源协会的报告表明,超过三分之二的中国陆地每年能接受2200多小时的光照。

  54. 当他通过全部考试之后,他的朋友吉姆前来为他祝贺,并且和他进行了一场诚挚的谈话。

  55. 今晚七点,李小龙的故事-一部新的国产故事片将在大学运动场上映。

  56. 也许在将来的某个时间,头发将会从身体上全部消失,因为它不再有用了。

  57. 看到这个通知,请来三号集体宿舍401室,在那里,张彪需要你去帮他打扫地板。

  58. 当你来到一个新的地方或者遇到陌生人时,如果你花很少的时间就能克服害羞,那是好的。

  59. 一种控制生长的,名字叫做荷尔蒙的化学物质就会移动到你的血液流通中。

  60. 他找到那个和国王谈过话的农夫,并且问他那个谜语的答案。

  61. 他坐在树枝上,因寒冷而颤抖着,水从他的身上流下来。

  62. 当那个喝醉的男子被放进警车后座的时候,他问警察是否知道Mabel在哪里

  63. 我们正在招聘退休的,想在周末做兼职工作的人。



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