There are many kinds of vehicles, such as riding bicycles, driving cars. Which kind of vehicles do you like? I like riding bicycles.I think riding bicycles is better than driving cars because it saves money and energy. It can avoid air pollution. It has low cost. The bicycle needs less space.Riding bicycles can make us feel tired, but it let us keep fit.Driving cars saves more time than riding bicycles.But it has high cost. It can cause air pollution. It needs more place than the bicycle. What do you think of ?
Big Ben and gorilla surprise 维修大本钟,大猩猩生子
EU after Brexit, human ancestor mystery 英脱欧公投后的欧盟,人类祖先之谜新发现
Phelps makes history and marine species 菲尔普斯创造历史,海洋新物种
Russian athletes and friendly robots 俄罗斯运动员服用兴奋剂,“合作机器人”
World's longest tunnel and a strange kind of race 世界最长铁路隧道,扛羊毛袋比赛
Delhi's pollution and South Africa's solar power 新德里环境污染,南非发展太阳能
Connection and link 两个表示“关系”的单词
India's sewer workers and British school standards 印度下水道工人施工安全,英国在校生学习成绩下降
Artefacts in Sydney and dog gets medal 悉尼出土文物,英雄狗获奖章
Canada wildfire and NASA discovery 加拿大林火,美国国家航空航天局发现系外行星
Zika threat and back from space 寨卡病毒威胁美国,国际空间站宇航员返回地球
Counting elephants, Australian Elvis 空中数大象,澳大利亚“猫王节”
Mars bars and baby gorilla 火星巧克力棒和大猩猩产幼子
Brexit and Hockney's art 英国脱欧公投后进展,大卫·霍克尼艺术展
IOC on Russian doping and hot June 奥委会就涉俄兴奋剂事件报告进展,六月高温破纪录
Chinwag 闲谈-英语点津
In one ear and out the other 左耳进,右耳出
Alligator takes boy and Tate Modern extension 鳄鱼拖走小男孩,泰特现代美术馆扩建完工
Distinct 和 distinctive 之间的区别
Art and football 海底发现文物,莱斯特城足球俱乐部曼谷庆功
Diabetes warning and Queen at 90 糖尿病激增引忧, 英国女王90岁生日
Angelina Jolie to divorce, Karaoke star at 80 安吉丽娜·朱莉提出离婚申请,八十岁老人出唱片
Cyclists make Olympic history, 400-year-old shark 英国自行车运动员创英奥运历史,400岁格陵兰鲨鱼
California wildfires and cloned animals 加利福尼亚州野火,克隆动物衰老过程正常
Zuma in court and stressed horses 南非总统受审和马的精神压力
Ten a penny 多得遍地都是
Appreciate 和 recognise 之间的区别
Indian state introduces 'fat tax' 印度一省拟征收“脂肪税”
Simple, innocent, naive, pure 四个近义词的区别
Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育