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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (一)小伟做了一个梦。他梦见自己为北京奥运会做一名志愿者,他努力帮助来自世界各地的外国朋友 在交谈中,小伟让外国朋友更多地了解北京。外国朋友感谢小伟,并认为小伟的英语非常好。小伟很高兴,他甜蜜地笑了

  参考词汇:try/do ones best, find , heavy , carry , taxi , on the way, talk with


  Xiao Wei had a dream last night . In the dream, he wolunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Wei he was Jack , and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Wei stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel . Xiao Wei talked with Jack on the way, he made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Wei very much , he thought Xiao Weis English was very good. Xiao Wei was very happy.He smiled and smiled. Then he woke up .......

  (二)假定你叫王刚,昨天从报纸上看到北京奥组委在招聘第一批2008奥运会志愿者(a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics )的广告,你想应聘。请你用英语写一封简短的书信,根据表格提供信息,表示愿意为奥运会服务,请组委会考虑并尽早给予答复。

  其他情况 1.身体健康

  2. 现在乌鲁木齐第一中学读书

  3. 2004年获全校英语演讲比赛(English speech competition)和乒乓球比赛一等奖



  June 20, 2005

  Dear Sir ,

  I read your ad in the newspaper yesterday, I am writing to tell you I d like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics.

  My name is Wang Gang. I am sixteen. I am a student of Urumqi No.1 Middle School .I am outgoing. I like playing table tennis and I am good at speaking English. I won the first prize in the English speech competition and the bable tennis match in our school in 2004. I am quite healthy.

  If I am lucky enough to become a volunteer for the 2008Olympics, please call me at 0991 2562566,I will try my best to do the job well.

  Yours truly,




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