david: susan, you like sports, don t you?
susan: yes. i have sports every afternoon.
david: do you often go swimming?
susan: yes, i go swimming once a week.
david: i used to swim at middle school, but i don t have time any more.
susan: that s too bad! exercise is very important.
david: i know. i am getting fat, you see. anyway, i don t want to be heavy.
susan: well, i m going to swim this afternoon. do you want to go with me?
david: ok! i really need more exercises. when and where shall we meet?
susan: how about three o clock, at the swimming-pool?
david: all right. good-bye!
susan: good-bye!
上一篇: 我的故乡(MY NATIVE TOWN)
下一篇: 我的座右铭(My Motto)
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