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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Part one部分的高频话题有:

  常规性话题hometown, house or apartment. Major;

  其他话题Music, Writing(1月新题), Building(1月新题), Keeping Healthy, Relaxation, Museum, Internet, Sleep(1月新题), Campus life, Bag等等。

  Part two部分出现的高频话题有:

  人物题:A good parent you know (1月新题);Someone you know who are very polite(1月新题);A person who became your friend on the first day you met(1月新题)等;

  事件经历题:A situation you ever helped someone(1月新题);An important occasion when you were late(1月新题);A special meal (or your favorite meal);A wrong decision someone made;A Sport Event;A team/group project等;

  地点题:A crowded place(1月新题);A town/city you visited as a tourist;A garden you visited;Your favorite room等;

  物品题:Another language you would learn (1月新题);Something you want to buy after you saw the advertisement(1月新题);A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game)(1月新题);A recent show/dance performance you like(1月新题);A gift or a present you received recently(1月新题)等。


  雅思口语考试自1月换题以来,A recent show or performance you like的话题多次考到,很多同学对此话题茫然不知所措,不知如何回答。首先各位烤鸭们要熟知一些表演的名称,并掌握其表达方式。以下为在线雅思教研组老师们搜集整理的相关词汇,便于大家学习备考:

  Artistic Performance (艺术表演);street performances(街头表演);acrobatics (杂技表演);entertainment (娱乐); highlight of the show(演出中的精彩部分);superb performance(精彩的表演);grip the audience(吸引观众);fascinated(被吸引)。


  Part one部分全国考试话题

  Hometown (太原、杭州、呼和浩特、深圳、郑州、西安、成都、哈尔滨、南昌、沈阳、昆明、南京)

  House or Apartment (杭州、呼和浩特、西安、重庆、郑州、长沙、南京、福州、广州、成都、合肥、济南)

  Major (呼和浩特、天津、太原、重庆、深圳、广州、成都、厦门)

  Music (北京、呼和浩特、天津、西安、济南、长春、成都、杭州)

  Writing (1月新题 呼和浩特、天津、杭州、广州、成都、西安)

  Building (1月新题 呼和浩特、太原、深圳、广州、郑州)

  Keeping Healthy (天津、西安、深圳、南昌、广州、成都、武汉)

  Relaxation (呼和浩特、太原、西安、合肥、福州、成都、广州)

  Museum (太原、长春、南京、昆明、哈尔滨、成都、厦门、西安、深圳)

  Internet (西安、呼和浩特、长沙、太原、合肥、广州)

  Sleep (1月新题 天津、重庆、太原、济南、厦门)

  Concentration(1月新题 杭州、广州)

  Campus life (北京、重庆、呼和浩特、成都)

  Countryside life (1月新题 太原、重庆)

  Postcard (呼和浩特、西安、合肥、天津)


  Dance (太原、南京、厦门)

  Sports (西安、武汉)

  Housework (西安、天津、广州、厦门)

  Weekend (杭州、呼和浩特、郑州、太原)

  Bag (北京、太原、西安、深圳、沈阳)

  Art (长春、厦门、长沙)

  Parks Gardens (杭州、西安)

  Boat (1月新题 杭州、福州)

  Living city (西安、郑州)

  News (1月新题 郑州)

  Entertainment (天津、福州、昆明、成都)

  Leisure Activities (重庆、厦门、南昌)

  Public Transportation (西安、哈尔滨、长沙)

  Weather (西安、济南)

  Friend Family (南昌、广州)

  Mobile Phone (北京、厦门)

  Part Two 部分全国考试话题


  A good parent you know (1月新题 西安、郑州、南昌、杭州)

  Someone you know who are very polite (1月新题 济南、长春、成都、福州)

  A person who became your friend on the first day you met(1月新题 深圳、广州)

  A person who has an important job (1月新题 广州)


  A situation you ever helped someone(1月新题 西安、杭州、广州)

  An important occasion when you were late(1月新题 广州、深圳、南昌)

  A special meal (or your favorite meal) (呼和浩特、福州、长沙、长春、武汉、南京)

  A wrong decision someone made (天津、郑州、深圳、西安)

  A Sport Event (杭州、西安、厦门、成都)

  A perfect holiday(1月新题 西安、杭州)

  A team/group project (南昌、沈阳、厦门)

  A speech or talk you have listened to (1月新题 福州、合肥)

  An important traditional event in your country (西安、太原)

  Your plan in the future(not for study and work)(太原)


  A crowded place(1月新题 呼和浩特、杭州、厦门)

  A town/city you visited as a tourist (北京、呼和浩特、成都、合肥、昆明)

  A garden you visited (长沙、天津、厦门)

  Your favorite room (西安、呼和浩特、郑州)

  A caf you have been to (1月新题 太原、南京)

  A Library (1月新题 呼和浩特、西安)


  Another language you would learn (1月新题 北京、杭州、天津)

  Something you want to buy after you saw the advertisement(1月新题 呼和浩特、天津、重庆、成都)

  A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game)(1月新题 太原、成都)

  A recent show/dance performance you like(1月新题 杭州、合肥、成都)

  A gift or a present you received recently (太原、西安、南昌、昆明、成都)

  A movie or book about the future (1月新题 重庆、深圳)

  A useful website that you like to visit (1月新题 福州、厦门)

  A piece of useful electronic equipment (呼和浩特)

  An unusual job in the future you would like to do(天津、杭州)

  Something you do for relaxing (西安)

  A movie based on a real person or event (西安)

  A childhood toy (太原、重庆)

  A book or magazine youd like to recommend to others (杭州、杭州)

  Something useful you learned from your family member (昆明、厦门)

  Something you bought that you were not satisfied with (济南、南京)



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