兴奋剂这个东西还是上瘾的,一旦读多了模板,自信就逐渐地消失光光了,一提笔就是 with the fast development of science and technology。
如果考试的时候真能庄子或者宁伯伯(宁滨)或者我们中的任何一位全程附身,拿个7分8分也不成问题,可问题就在于 学我者生,似我者死。模仿,但是又不能模仿到精髓,只停留在皮毛阶段,就像黑西裤和黑皮鞋之间的白色袜子,正装西服搭配飞跃球鞋,丝袜+凉拖鞋一样,露了马脚。死穴。
Practice makes perfect。练习是王道。
初级:新概念第三册。课文能背就背,每天早上起早点,到操场上大声朗读,喊也可以的。Dont be afraid to be different. 顺便模仿一下磁带,练练语音。
这个是在电骡上找到的珍惜录音:新概念英语1985和1997竹影无风经典英音版 http://www.verycd.com/topics/287131/
In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned. However, this freedom can easily be abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government.
中级:the Economist
吸取量级词汇的最好方法,用大单词谁都可以,只要你拥有金山词霸,但是在正确的时间正确的地点用出恰如其分的大单词却不是很容易。这就像同样一件Valentino礼服,有人穿就是best dressing,有人就能生生穿成地摊货。
MODERN, Western medicine tends to pooh-pooh its herbal cousin. It is true that synthetic pharmaceuticals are purer, more reliable and often more effective than herbs. But many of them have herbal origins, and the sight of pharmacists botanising was common in Europe within living memory.
India, too, has a long tradition of herbal medicine, and its government is keen that this tradition should be brought into the mainstream, to the profit of the countrys burgeoning drug industry. To that end, it is spending about $40m on what is known as the Golden Triangle Partnership, to assess the countrys herbs scientifically, and select those suitable for serious investigation.
Most Indian herbal remedies are based on the Ayurvedic system of medicine, although Tamil-based Siddha and Unani, which has Persian roots, are also used extensively. Proving their worth is a daunting task. There are 80,000 Ayurvedic treatments alone, involving the products of some 3,000 plants. More than 7,000 firms make herbal compounds for medical use. Establishing the active ingredients and exactly how they work would thus take some time.
如果上面这段节选中,只有几个词让你稍微驻足的话,那么你的词汇量已经基本达到了雅思水平,你正在进行comfortable and effective reading. 两段文字中对我们有用的词也不外乎这几个,下一步就是各个击破:
我们就以daunting 为例:
对于这个词,你应该了解的是:Daunting: frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident: 令人畏惧的。
例如:Climbing Everest is a daunting challenge for any mountaineer. Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation.
同义词: challenging demanding taxing exacting
Daunt : to make someone feel afraid or less confident about something: 使沮丧;使畏惧
The book is certainly authoritative but may well daunt the uncommitted reader by its relentlessly hard-nosed factuality.
Dauntless: confident and not easily frightened 不屈不挠的;无畏的
It is here that the dauntless cavalrymen of Ellyrion rest when they return from their long sweeps through their embattled land.
高级:read whatever you want as long as you are doing some reading every day.
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