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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  一、 考查考生的抽象思维和对价值观的思考。如题例:


  What kinds of thing make you laugh?

  Do you like making other people laugh? Why or why not?

  Do you think its important for people to laugh? Why or why not?

  Is laughing the same as feeling happy, do you think? Why or why not?

  此关于笑的话题考察了考生对于欢乐、开心的各方面理解。与之属于一类的、近年来出现过的价值观话题有Happiness, Success, Change等。做好这类题目,考生必须要对人生有自己的感悟,建议考生们准备一个人生励志故事,最好一波三折,在情节演变过程中加入一些能体现考生自身英文功底的高级表达,故事的最终结果能够皆大欢喜,而且该经历的选择必须符合该经历对考生人生具有指导意义。然后将该故事套入此类型的题目中,考官应该会有不错的反响。


  Ideas and education:

  Some people think that education should be about memorizing the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?




  1. 开放式命题定义


  Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways?

  What kinds of thing make you laugh?

  Is laughing the same as feeling happy, do you think?

  What is more difficult: having new ideas or putting them into practice? Which is more important for a successful company?

  Some people think that competition leads to a better performance from sports stars. Others think it just makes players feel insecure. What is your opinion?


  2. 开放式命题解决方案


  比如中文中有句名言叫做:不管白猫黑猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫。这句话英文怎么说呢?其实考生随便怎么翻,只要意思清楚,考官一般能够接受。如翻成Whether a white cat or a black cat, a good cat catches mice。当然,英文中也有相关的名言,比如Every road leads to Rome.这两句话的意思其实一样。那么,如果我们还要再想一句意思上和上述两句相关的paraphrasing呢?我脑海中出现了这样一句:Everyone has his or her Hamlet in the mind.这三句话在意思上都能体现事物的多样性。下面以Hamlet这句为例,我们来看看怎么将其变化出不错的答案来。

  比如题目为What kinds of thing make you laugh?


  Well, this is a very interesting question. As far as I know, different things can make different people laugh. Just as the saying goes, Everyone has his or her Hamlet in the mind. Actually to my mind, many things can make me laugh, so its really harsh for me to generalize some certain things. However, if I have to say something about this, I would say on the top, as we all know, funny stories or things can make people laugh, for me the same. In addition, encouragement from my parents and friends can make me laugh and give me courage. Furthermore, success in career and happy love can make me laugh out loud, of course. In summary, at least there are three things that make me laugh.


  1. 科技题的考试范围和内容

  computer, the Internet and chatting tools online such as QQ, ICQ, MSN, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, UC, Fetion

  PSP, PS3, mp3, mp4, e-dictionaries

  means of transportation: mopeds, light rails, metros, maglev

  household appliances such as the microwave oven, the fridge, the dish washer, the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner

  high-tech crimes: the Internet crimes hackers, the Matrix

  2. 科技类题目解决方案

  根据笔者对《剑七》的研究以及对近年来雅思口语中科技题内容的分析,发现科技类题目的出题范围主要涵盖上述五大内容。一是电脑和网络对人类带来的影响,以及网络给沟通带来的便捷和问题。考生应该掌握主要的聊天工具。二是最新便捷手提掌上电脑类产品,比如PSP等,考生应该学会描述它们给生活带来的便捷。三是科技发展为交通工具带来的进步,考生应该掌握新型交通工具的名称以及优缺点。四是家用电器的名称以及各自的优缺点。五是高科技带来的负面效应即高科技犯罪这一块内容,尤其是高科技犯罪中最恶性的犯罪 网络犯罪。建议考生对于网络犯罪问题对社会带来的危害能够进行描述分析,并能给出例子,比如电影《黑客帝国》的大概内容,黑客的基本说法等。


  Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family?


  In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as they do today?


  What changes would improve the way you travel to work/college?


  How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?

  这个问题的前面还有一个问题:即家用电器有哪些?然后引出这样问题。那么对于考生来说,直接说问题的两面性是逻辑辩证的。优点是他们能带来便捷,缺点是他们会使人产生依赖性lead to dependence.

  How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?

  电脑的普及对于招工有明显的影响。因为现在几乎所有单位都要求员工能使用Microsoft Office software。如果不会基本就在看简历的时候被out了。因此这道题和电脑、网络等有着密不可分的关系。


  1. 传统文化在雅思口试中的考点

  Culture shock: eastern and western

  Time shock: past and present


  Question No. 1:What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?

  Question No. 2:In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?

  2. 关于中国传统文化题的解决方案

  首先笔者谈谈Culture shock类题目。当考生被问到中国人在各种场景中的行为模式时,考官的期待是听到考生谈到东西方文化差异产生的部分行为差异。以Question No. 1为例,考官的期待是考生对于中国文化中人们开派对的原因,而不是简单地回答原因和西方一致就可以搪塞的过去的。所以这道题的启发是,我们是否能够将中国人的吃文化,和西方人的玩文化在派对这个场景、雅思口试这个场合中,彰显出来。范文如下:

  Wow, actually I believe in China maybe the biggest reason why people hold parties is that they want to celebrate a wedding or a birthday. However, I would say that when we hold parties we generally hold feasts cuz Chinese people prefer to eat a lot instead of playing in the parties. And sometimes we also throw farewell parties to give our relatives or friends a great send-off to another country. In conclusion, I feel that we have at least two reasons for this.

  其次笔者将分析Time shock类题目,如上题Question No.2。这是中国文化传统行为在不同时代表现差异的题目。有时候考官会先描述一种任何时代都有可能发生的普遍(中国)文化现象,比如像No.2中谈到的花钱庆祝家庭活动的行为,然后问在将来是否仍将如此,或者在中国这个做法过去和现在有什么不同?此类题目建议考生始终围绕优缺点、辩证思想去展开,无论在过去、现在,还是将来,这种文化现象都是双刃剑。这样考生能够顺利避开因为分析不同时代的独特性带来的解题困扰,而直接论述这一现象在任何时代具有的普遍优劣性。范文如下:

  Well, I believe this is also true in China, yet I dont think its totally a good or bad trend cuz actually, for every plus there is a minus, so as for this, maybe in the future itll still exist, but itll always have its merits and defects. On one hand, big celebrations are exciting. However, they can also be a huge reason for loss of money, and even would break us if we over-consume. All in all, we need to careful when we make our cost plans.


  1. 面经题考法


  Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college.

  You should say:

  When and where you had your idea

  What your idea was

  Who you told about your idea

  And explain why you thought your idea would make an improvement.


  Describe a project you have ever taken part in.

  Describe a success.

  Describe a change in your life.

  2. 面经题解决方案


  题型分类5:Do you agree or disagree型

  1. Agree or disagree题定义

  Some people think that education should be about memorising the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree? Why?


  2. Agree or disagree题解决方案


  例如第一题可这样作答:Well, this is a very interesting question to be frank with you. I guess I can partially agree with you cuz we really should memorize many things in our study. However, sometimes memory is not the only essential thing cuz we also need to use our creativity and logic in study in order to make it more efficient and effective. So Im afraid I cant totally agree with you.


  1. 专业导向型问题的考点

  当然,专业导向型问题的名称应该已经彰显出其特点 考专业领域知识。还好考的不多。《剑七》虽然在难度上专业导向型题目少了,但是仍然不乏此类题需要考生事先进行关注的。比如:

  How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas?

  Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?

  Do you think it is a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?


  2. 专业导向型问题解决方案





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