首先我们来看一看在剑桥3-7中,传统的信号词与考点的联系。(注:C-剑桥,P-页码, T-题目)
一、 顺接和递进
例词:also, furthermore, moreover, what is more, in addition
考点:And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom(C6, P28, T31找标题)
解析:And 在这句话开头,有一定的递进含义, this wisdom则是指代了前面一句话出现的their wealth of traditional knowledge(因纽特人传统的知识),所以这两句话有紧密的联系,同学们在读题的时候要通过发现信号词,然后发散地看它的前后句,最后把考点考察的意思补充完整。
二、 对比和转折
例词:however, but, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, by comparison
考点:However, we believe that credit must be extended in association with other types of support that help participants develop critical life skills as well as productive businesses.
题目中出现了conclude的字眼,总结段落一般是在文章的最后,然而带有转折信号词however 这句话,显然就是文章的考点所在。
三、 相似
例词:similarly, in other words, that is, put another way
考点:In other words, we became aware of the obvious fact that there were limits to growth.
解析:In other words 是解释,换一种说法,通常会以更加简单易懂,清晰的话语陈述出难点,常常难点是考点出没的地方。
四、 时间先后
例词:firstly, second, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally
考点:Three factors are involved in this change. First is an awareness of the severity of the problem. Second, a number of resources to help tackle bullying have become available in BritainThird, there is evidence that these materials work, and that schools can achieve something.
五、 排列次序
例词:another, the second, the most, the best
考点:Most important of all, the traditional measures of risk, such as parents age and education, or whether they were a single parent, bore little or no relationship to the measures of achievement and language development.
解析:most important of all 强调了最重要的事情,也就是文中比较重要的结论要出炉了。Single parents是题目中的关键词,同样在这一句里出现了,我们可以利用对信号词的敏感度,快速抓住文章的考点,进行局部精读。
例词:in fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize
考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates
解析:信息包含题考察细节是在那个段落出现,在做此类题目时,要注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了in essence , 起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology, 破折号后面的介词to是表目的与题目中的the general aim of一致对应。
七、 因果关系
例词:as, because, since, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, the caused of
考点:The fourth question concerned the causes of the destruction of rainforests. Perhaps encouragingly, more than half of the pupils identified that it is human activities, which are destroying rainforests
解析:这道简答题的文本题就是问the reason for the loss of rainforests, 所以我们可以同通过原因信号词,判断考点的方位。
八、 举例子和说明
例词:for example, for instance, that is to say, i.e., such as, including
考点: Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton
解析:我们看到such as后面是举例子,such as 后面的例子可以作为定位词,woodflour, asbestos, cotton就是fillers的其中一种。Fillers 在这里就是一个概括性的词语,常常是考点。
例词:indicate that, suggest that, find out, conclude that, point out, report that, demonstrate that
考点:But Byers points out that the benefits of increased exercise disappear rapidly after training stops, so any improvement in endurance resulting from juvenile play would be lost by adulthood.
二、表达主观观点statements, opinions
例词:say, believe, argue that, maintain that, claim
考点:The UCSF researchers maintain that the simplest and most cost-effective action is to establish smoke-free work places, schools and public places.
解析:这道分类题考察区分a finding和an opinion。表达个人观点带有一定的主观性,所用的信号词显然与客观事实发现的有所区别。
例词: word, , word
考点:In very significant cases of role change, e.g. from a soldier in the ranks to officer, from bachelor to married man, the change of role has to have a very obvious sign, hence rituals.
上一篇: 雅思考试G类阅读词汇:招聘广告缩略语6
下一篇: 雅思阅读“七宗罪”之七:不看题目粗心大意
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