小作文是个table below 讲六个地方和全球60以后的人的比例in 2000和2050
大作文是说employers有social skill能在工作中成功呢还是有good quailification的employers 能成功
今天中国大陆的雅思考题又和澳大利亚和新西兰一致,说明从头2011年开始的全球乌龙重合门还将延续下去。Task1表格,关于六个地区的老年人口百分比,属于标准的静态图。大作文:Nowadays it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications. Agree or disagree(1号球)
小作文table,大作文social skills和good qualification的重要性
大作文是do you agree or disagree that social skills are as important as good quantification for success in a job?
作文是六个大洲的60岁以上的人口比例在2000年和2050的数据的表格 小作文是social skills 是否as important as good quantifications
小作文 TABLE..percentage of population over60..in six region and the whole world ... 大作文some people are giving more importance to employing peole withe good social skills in addition to with good qualification...do you agree or disagree...
小作文是图表 讲population over aged 60 in Africa,Europe,North America,etc.
大作文是you agree or disagree that social skills are as important as good quantification for success in a job.
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