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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Some people believe police officers carrying guns will encourage the level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  On account of a series of commotions happening recently in a wide range of countries, especially the United Kingdom, a significant number of people consider that police officers carrying guns on patrol duty would promote the grade of violence. However, I am opposed to this perspective.

  The reasons that a police officer carrying guns walking around is less likely to enhance the level of violent crimes involve the recognition that police officers are those who are responsible for taking care of all the citizens safety and wearing guns could largely make sure of this. Why I harbor this perception is mainly attributed to the fact that guns would, to a large extent, deter the latent criminals. For example, if someone has the intention to commit a crime, there is a higher possibility for them to quit taking action as a result of the police carrying guns around. In this regard, the level of violence tends to descend and such standpoint stated in the topic seems hardly hold water.

  However, those who believe police officers carrying guns on duty would inevitably increase the level of violence may still be worried. Robbery is a great case in point. If someone intends to rob a bank for money and they are entirely aware of the situation that police officers are equipped with guns, they are likely to make sufficient preparation for having a gun battle with the police. Were they to fire, there would be great losses in terms of innocent peoples lives. This will probably jeopardize the stability of our society. But when police officers are constantly on alert for any possible emergency, chances are slim for them to commit a crime.

  In conclusion, I tend to maintain that police officers carrying guns would substantially decrease the level of violence rather than increase it.




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