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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Higher education can be funded by several ways such as the following:

   All costs paid by the government;

  All costs paid by the students.

   All costs paid by the government loan which students have to pay back after graduation.

  Please discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of all these three theories above and decide which the best is.


  1.the higher education = college education 高等教育

  2.the students loans = educational loans 学生贷款

  3.work ones way through college 半工半读

  4.apply for the scholarship 申请奖学金

  5.potential risk of refusing to repaying the loans 拒绝还款的风险

  6.impose much pressure upon a nation economically 增加了政府的经济压力

  7.come from the remote rural areas

  8.subsidize = sponsor = finance 资助

  9.economic support 经济支持

  10.finish college education 完成高等教育

  11.resolve more pressing social issues 解决更加紧迫的民生问题

  12.stimulate ones study motivation under the pressure of 在压力下激发学习动力

  13.cherish the learning opportunities 珍惜学习的机会

  14.face the risk of dropping out of school 面对辍学的风险

  15.embark on part-timers 做兼职工作


  Millions of top students coming from the humble background fail to pay the incredibly high tuition fees and thus face the risk of dropping out of the university, which becomes the focus concerned by society. Peoples views differ widely as to how to help needy students finish their college education, to rely on the government, to resort to educational loan, or to pay by college students. This essay aims to investigate the pros and cons of all these theories, and then present my recommendations.

  Granted, the government should partly subsidize poverty-stricken students. As for those youngsters coming from the remote rural areas, it can definitely provide them with equal learning opportunities and studying materials as their peers from affluent households. Nevertheless, it will exert baneful impact on a nations finance. More precisely, it will impose much pressure upon a nation economically, for theever-rising educational requirements are matched against static or declining financial budget.

  Virtually, under no circumstances can we ignore the immense value of students loans. Ones study motivation can be stimulated under the pressure of refunding the money borrowed from the bank, therefore, they may cherish the learning opportunities and study even harder. Yet, the bank must undertake the potential fiscal risk if student refuse to reimburse the loans.

  Ideally, people could benefit a great deal from defraying their expenses on education all by themselves. To illustrate, they are more likely to devote themselves to academic study with the hope of applying for the scholarship. Also, they tend to embark on part-timers, which can not only assist them accumulating a pool of working experience, but also do them special favor in terms of tackling their tuition poser. In practice, that would compel numerous underprivileged students to forgo their dreams of receiving higher education.

  Personally speaking, to reduce the financial burden of college education, governmental subsidies and students loan all have indispensable role to play. The ideal way is that governments partly provide students coming from underprivileged families with financial support. The rest educational fees could be attributed to students loans. Healthy repaying system should also be set up to ensure that all the beneficiaries could repay the money



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