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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Section 1 网络购物


  2.special offers



  5.twice a week


  7. 4


  9. PO BOX 301

  10.order section

  Section 2 (新题)关于机场











  Section 3 关于经济方面的研究

  21. Retail

  22. population

  23. consumers attitudes

  24. interview skills

  25. statistics

  26. overseas

  27. publications

  28. Tape recorder

  29. college

  30. internet connection

  Section 4关于茶树油

  31-35 配对G. C. B.F. E.

  36. winter.

  37. stems


  39. gravity

  40. ground





  讲市场营销(marketing): 提及影响市场营销的各种影响因素,并举了两个例子:一个冰激凌什么的公司,另一个公司叫the Body Shop, 分析了他们的成功营销经验。用naturalingredients的什么的。

  第二篇 英国孩子缺乏运动




  第三段说英国教育对体育课设置不够。一周只有一个多小时,其他欧洲国家都有两个小时。又有个专家Armstrong说英国政府之前为了改变小孩不动的状况,提倡team sports,但 效果不好。因为一般学生离开学校就不做这些运动了。建议提倡一些一生都会从事的运动。

  第四段说了一些为了让小孩动起来的projects,提了好像有三个,一个是跳绳,还有个是针对家长的,教他们怎么组织children activity club.



  1.List of headings参考我上面的每段主要意思。


  A. Health and live by children

  B. 也是和Health有关的一个选项

  C.Wrong approach for school activity

  D. Activity for children







  判断题某同学做的是Not given, Yes, Yes和No

  最后一个选中心思想某同学选的是最后一项 Study of childrens health and activity leads to concern


  先说科学家从近期的太空图片上发现火星上的冰层有重大变化。有人猜测climate change 造成的。然后出来一个Oxford University 的科学家M,做了一些研究,描述冰层融化的速度冰层的组成部分是CO2, 不是frozen water, 然后预测100内冰层就要化没了,而ice layer 每融化一些都会对火星的atmosphere 造成影响。下面一段将火星上的wind,有出题。最后描写科学家研究这些现象到底是不是Climate Change 引起的,最后好像说现有数据不够,无法下结论。

  题型:t, f, ng 和填空式 Summary


  the change of

  the only

  还有同学填的答案是:ice, dust, islands, frozen water, vaporation, layer,atmosphere,都是在二三段



  task 2

  Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  task 1

  The table below shows the population sizes and the rates of change for four different parts from 1950 to 2000in the world, and predicted population sizes and the rates of change from 2000 to 2050.

  比较四个地区的population的变化,有total population,and average annual change percentage ,一个表中的left part 是1990-2000四个地区(North American,Australia,Europe, Japan),右半部分是predicted2000-2050。




  Describe a small successful company 频率很高:科技的start-up company, 如:twitter

  Describe a musical event 5月新题:演唱会,如MIDI音乐节

  Describe the magazine or newspaper you like 老题重考:fashion/sports magazine

  Describe a song you like in your childhood 老题重考:儿歌nursery rhyme, 圣诞歌

  Describe a quiz show on TV competition 老题重考:dont forget the lyrics

  其它的Part2卡片和3-4月基本一致,见下文, 红色为较新较难题, Part3请参见后面的详细信息


  Someone who speaks a foreign language 老师

  A childhood teacher you would like to meet 老师

  An old friend 老师

  A person you helped 朋友

  A successful person 名人

  A family member you admire 家人

  A child you know

  A traveling companion 朋友

  A friend who is a good leader 朋友

  An adventurous person 名人或朋友


  A photograph of your family 人物

  A vehicle you would like to own

  A type of book you like to read 传媒

  An educational TV program - 传媒

  An advertisement you like

  A film you saw recently 传媒

  A website you find useful 传媒

  A foreign food you would like to try

  An item of clothing someone bought for you

  An interesting wild animal in your country

  An electronic device except computer-电子产品

  A broken piece of equipment at home-电子产品

  Something you saved money to buy 电子产品

  A gift you gave to others 电子产品

  A new law that makes the place u live better


  An important celebration-节日

  A traditional festival in ur country-节日

  Something dangerous you did - 抽象

  Something naughty you did - 抽象

  A time when you were late - 抽象

  A piece of advice from others - 抽象

  A piece of interesting news - 抽象

  A visit to a friend or family member - 抽象

  A happy childhood memory - 抽象

  A sports game you are good at 体育

  A change to your lifestyle to be healthy-体育

  A good period of time in your life

  A little thing u do to help environment

  地点题 describe:

  Your favorite room when you were a child 房间

  A place where you go for a meal/A hotel

  A school or university building

  A leisure place

  A historic building 老建筑

  The recent change in your hometown

  A place with a lot of noise

  A place near water 有水的地方

  A peaceful place 公园

  Part One 基本和3-4月相近,难题有: 你喜欢的sound/animal/bird/flower/color/lucky number等

  Your Studies

  1.What subjects are you studying?

  2.Why did you choose to study that subject?

  3.Is that a popular subject to study in your country?

  4.What are the most popular subjects in China?

  5.What do you plan to do after you finish your course?

  6.Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?


  1.Where is your hometown?

  2.How long have you been living there?

  3.How has your hometown changed in recent years?

  4.What are the reasons for people to travel in your hometown?

  5.Do you like your hometown? Why?

  E-mail Letter

  1.Do you like writing to people?

  2.How often do you write an email or a letter?

  3.Who do you usually write to?

  4.Do you often write letters?

  5.Who do you write to?

  6.Which do you prefer, to write a letter to write an email? Why?

  7.In general, what kind of letter or email do you find to be the most difficult to write?

  8.When you are writing a letter , how do you usually start it?


  1.Do you give flowers to others as gift?

  2.On what occasion do you give flowers to others?

  3.What flowers do you choose? Why?

  4.Do people in your country like flowers?

  5.Why do people choose flowers as gift?


  1.What was the last gift you received?

  2.Do you like receiving or giving gift?

  3.Is that easy to buy a gift for others?


  1.Have you ever been to the seaside?

  2.How many times have you been to the seaside?

  3.Did you like the ocean?

  4.What interests you most about the beach?

  5.What would you enjoy doing if you were at the seaside?

  6.Would you like to live in a house near the ocean?

  7.How does flying compare to other forms of transport?


  1.Do you like dancing?

  2.Have you ever learned to dance?

  3.Do you like to watch dance performances?

  4.Why do young people like dancing?

  5.Do children like dancing? Why?

  Time Management (比较新的题)

  1.Are you good at organizing time?

  2.How do you usually organize time?

  3.Do you think planning is important for time management?

  Concert (比较新的题)

  1.Have you ever been to any concert?

  2.Do you like to watch concert on TV or attend the concert yourself?

  3.Would you plan to attend a concert in the future?

  4.Whose concert do you usually attend?

  5.How do you feel about it?


  1.Are there many museums in your hometown?

  2.How often do you visit a museum?

  3.Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

  4.When was the last time you visited a museum?

  5.Do you think museums are important?


  1.Whats your favorite animal? And why?

  2.Are people in your country fond of animals?

  3.Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

  4.What was your favorite animal when you were a child?

  5.Did you have any pets when you were a child?

  6.What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

  7.If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?


  1.Do you like shopping? And why or why not?

  2.How often do you go shopping?

  3.Which day of the week do you usually go shopping?

  4.What do you usually buy when you go shopping?

  5.What are some differences between men and women concerning shopping?

  6.In what ways do you think peoples present and past shopping habits are different?

  7.Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big shops such as supermarkets and department stores?

  8.Do you think its good that there are more and more big shops nowadays?


  1.Do you like sport?

  2.What sports do you like? And why?

  3.Do most people in your country like sport?

  4.What sports did you play when you were a child?

  5.What are the benefits of doing sport?

  6.Do you think we should encourage children to do sport in school?


  1.Whats your favorite color? And why?

  2.Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

  3.Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?

  4.What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

  5.Do you think different types of people like different colors?


  1.Do you prefer a quiet place or a place with some sounds?

  2.Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

  3.What natural sound do you like? And why?

  4.What sounds do you dislike? And why?

  5.What sounds remind you of your childhood?


  1.Have you ever traveled by plane?

  2.Do you like flying?

  3.How often do you travel by plane?

  4.How does flying compare to other forms of transport?

  5.Would you like to travel by plane again?

  6.Do you think aircraft will be used more in the future?

  Weather and Seasons

  1.Whats the weather like in your hometown?

  2.Do you like that weather? And why or why not?

  3.What is your favorite weather?

  4.What do you usually do during your favorite weather?

  5.What do you usually do when the weather is fine?

  6.Do you do the same thing in different seasons?

  Drawing and painting

  1.Do you like painting?

  2.Do you learn painting at school?

  3.Did you learn painting when you were a child?

  4.Do you think it is important for children to learn painting at school?

  5.Is drawing beneficial to adults?

  Science subject

  1.How do you like science?

  2.What did you learn about science at school?


  4.What do you find is the most interesting in science?

  Does your work have anything to do with science?


  1.What is your favorite kind of bird?

  2.Do Chinese people like birds?

  3.Do different birds have different meanings in Chinese culture?

  4.Have you ever kept any bird as pet before?

  5.Should we protect birds?


  Your ideal/perfect room/house

  1.Why is city noisier than the countryside?

  2. What are the differences between the houses in the city and the houses in the countryside?

  3. How will our houses be like in the future do you think?

  4.Most people think if you dont have a house, people will not marry you?

  5.What kinds of social reality will lead to this opinion?

  A person with the spirit of adventure

  1. Why are they into adventurous, such as expeditions and ex-games?

  2. If they die or get injured, should the government provide any help?

  3. What are some of the popular ex-games in China?

  4. Why are the fans of ex-games usually? Why?

  5. Should the government ban or restrict ex-games?

  Describe a company that you think is successful

  1.What types of companies do you have in China?

  2. Which is the most popular?

  3. Should people work for others or be their own boss?

  4. What are the disadvantages of family business?

  5. If you had a company, how would you manage it?

  A place near a lot of water

  1. What are some of the jobs that are involved with water?

  2. Have to ever taken a ship before?

  3. What are the pros and cons of shipment?

  4. What is the difference between taking a ship and taking a plane?

  A happy event in childhood

  1. How do you usually spend your days during Spring festival?

  2. Why do people celebrate western festivals in China? Is it the same with foreigners?

  3. Do you usually think about the past?

  4. Why do some people like to think about their childhood?

  A peaceful place

  1. Why do people enjoy living in a quiet place?

  2. What are the benefits of living in a quiet place?

  3. What are some of the causes of noise in cities?

  4. What can we do about it?

  5. What could be the consequence of too much noise for people?

  A child you know

  1. Is it ok for children to play computer games?

  2. Do you think children should do more outdoor activities?

  3. How should we encourage children to spend more time on studies and less time on computer games?

  Describe a new law

  1.Should policemen take guns with themselves?

  2. What is the difference between male police and female police?

  3. How the social status of a lawyer in China?

  4. What are the responsibilities of a lawyer do you think?

  Describe a visit you made to your friends/ a family

  1. Why do people enjoy paying visits to others?

  2. What is the difference between visits by children and visits by adults?

  3. What trouble would you have if you have guests at home?

  4. Now people are becoming more and more busy, it is appropriate to pay regular visits to others?

  A good leader from your friends

  1. What personality should someone have in order to be a good leader?

  2. Who is the leader in your family?

  3. Is big decision the same as small decision in your family?

  4. What is the difference between people make decisions today and in the past?

  Describe a photo of yourself

  1.Do you enjoy taking photos?

  2. How do you usually keep photos?

  3. Is it easier to take photos than before?

  4. Do old people like to take photos as much as young people?

  5. Why do some people not like taking photos?

  Something expensive you bought(some clothes you bought)

  1.Do you usually buy things that you dont need?

  2.Why do some people buy things that they dont really need?

  3.Do ads really affect peoples buying decisions?

  A vehicle you want to buy

  1. How has transportation tool changed over the past years in your hometown?

  2. What is the cause of traffic jams do you think?

  3. Do you think vehicles are the main reason why there are so many traffic jams?

  4. What can we do about it?

  A book you enjoyed reading

  1. Do you think people enjoy reading in China?

  2. Do children like to read in your country?

  3. Do children have enough time for reading in China?

  4. What is the difference between the books old people like and young people like?

  5. What will people enjoy reading in the future?

  6. What are the benefits of reading do you think?

  Describe something youve done with others

  1.What are the benefits of cooperation?

  2. What will it be like if there is only one person doing things?

  3. Do you think people pay more attention to cooperation than before?

  Describe a piece of recent/interesting news

  1. Which do you like the best, TV, newspaper or radio?

  2. Do old people and children like the same kind of media?

  3. How about Chinese and westerners?

  4. Why do people read news?

  5. Which is more important, domestic news or international news?

  Describe a job you want to try

  1. How do people find jobs in China?

  2. Is it easy to find a job in China?

  3. Does your university help students prepare for their future career?

  4. What qualities should an employee have?

  5. How do you think about looking for jobs in the internet?



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