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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  澳洲 UTS, - What is your name? - Do you work or study? - Do you like your job? - What is happiness according to your understanding? - What do you do to remain happy? - What does make people happy? - Do you think money is important for achieving happiness in life?

  Cue Card Talk about your neighbor. - Who ? - How to know him/her? - Do you know all of your neighbors? PART 3 - Why do people form different types of communities these days? - What are the advantages to be a part of a community? - Does your society have such communities?

  像 澳洲 RMIT Talk about the vehicle you would buy in the near future, please say PART 3 - traffic is a problem in big cities nowadays?Wh?solution ? - Is traffic network helpful in big cities? - Do you think the problem with traffic will worsen in future? Why?

  像 上海,华师大 Talk about books that you like to read. Please say - What kind of books do you read ? - Why you like this kind of books? PART 3 - Is reading important? Why? - What is the role of the Internet on our generations lifestyle?

  像 厦门考题 汇总 (by 厦门新航道教师现场蹲点)1.描述一个邻居 2.一件昂贵的东西 3.描述一个教育类的电视节目 4.描述一次音乐事件 5.一个靠近水的城市 6.描述一本最近读过的书 7.描述一则资讯 8.描述一个你很想见的人 9.一次户外活动 10.描述一份有趣的报纸 11.一个有冒险精神的人 12.描述一部外国电影 13.你喜欢的一个演员 14.你小时候住过的一个房子 15.去过的一个有趣的地方 16.你理想的学校 18.给你一天时间,你想做什么 19.描述和朋友的一次旅行 20.你做过的一件特别的事 21.描述一个公共场所 22.家里的一件旧东西 23.描述一个特殊的建筑 24.描述童年的一件事 25.你喜欢什么类型的衣服,你对时尚有什么看法 26.描述一条街 27.描述一个节日 28.你喜欢的食物

  像 南昌,Room 107 PART1,birds ,meaning of name,baby name ,who decide the name Part 2, discribe something you would do successfully。官很年轻,超级瘦,看到他的眼窝,感觉我一盒眼影也达不到那种效果,进去就听说他不耐烦,╮╭刚开始一直打哈欠(3G网)

  像 广州, 超级帅锅考官的ROOM 605

  仲恺605 考官超级帅 part1 关于电脑和跟家人一起吃饭的一系列问题 part2 旅游 part3 中国人喜欢旅游吗?以前还是现在更多人去旅游?去旅游的地方有发生变化吗?喜欢一个人还是跟其他人去旅游?你希望你的同伴的性格怎样?好像还有几个相关问题,总之这个考官就是会问超多问题。

  像 南宁

  P1 name,like or not,why?wanna change if you have change.colour,your room.P2 where you like to travel and with who.why. P3 do you think family travel together is a good way, what is the reason that you cant do it.and some relationship between family.

  像 广州,( 一群花痴考ROOM 605 雅思)

  仲恺605 又是帅哥考官!P1为什么选择我的专业 还有TV一些问题 P2一个喜欢的Shop P3喜欢去近的地方还是远的地方购物 跟爸爸去购物么 家旁边有购物的地方么 喜欢跟小孩去购物么 还有一些忘了。。求过5.5!!


  1.a peaceful city you want to go2.a good leader3.an adventurous person you know4.personality5.music.

  像厦门大学,602室part two考题 desceibe a jobyou know about that makes the world better place

  像西安西外P1专业 动物 广告 科技 P2买过的最贵的东西 P3各种科技 我是科技男

  像厦门 a job which make our world a better place 第三部分 part 3 1 Do you think what the jobs are for our public security? 2 Who will be involved in the job related to our public security?Why? 3 another question about public security. 想不起来了。

  像西安西外 Rm8 和蔼的老爷爷 P1.家人,家里最喜欢的地方,照片。P2.描述报纸或者杂志 P3.年轻男人喜欢读什么杂志,报纸上的东西可信吗?

  像武汉 武汉口语各种蹲题 movie 资讯人物 贵的东西 水边的地方 音乐会 想去旅行的地方 照片 帮助的一个人 成功的小公司 有领导力的朋友 邻居 healthlife style...各种攒人品

  像南宁 ROOM 309 去了那么多次发现考官教室基本不变 五分杀手 大胡子和维伯ceo 基本上在307 和最里面那间。没有新题目p1 color,name,family p2 personality p3 主要就是什么样的性格受欢迎什么样的人能成功

  像郑州雅思口语 轻工学院Room 7 考官是一个印度女考官,很和蔼哦!Part 1 musci,flowers Part2 travel

  像广州仲恺 405 考官是个很nice的白发外国人。Part1.name,flat or house,which room you like,handicrafts. Part2 clothes. Part3.why some people dont like shopping? fashion?

  像广州仲恺 208考室,一个很好的英国的老伯 part1 part3do you like communication face to face or take the phone?



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