在日理万机的雅思备考中,你还有没有继续坚持每日的题目覆盖和跟读模仿这把妖刀,如果你坚持了,Congratulations!你又向彪悍的人生靠近了一步,那就继续飙泪地step forward!如果你中途停驻了,It is never too late to speed it up, but if you give it up finally, it will throw you away firstly!
我们曾经讨论过雅思口语考试中几乎要决定整个分数的致命环节,就是part one。所以近期要参加考试的烤鸭们,从现在开始,你们要给力地开始覆盖话题了。
Part one关键是有话可说,如果出现无语状态,方法就要跟上。不同的Question type,有不同的锦囊妙计。
Question type 1 Description Question-----射箭法
e.g. Which subject do you like best?
I like math.
For some reason math comes easy to me,
besides, my father was a math teacher.
Question type 2: liking/disliking question----追尾法
I like/dislike 追尾法
e.g. Do you like dancing?
Well to be quite honest, I would say that Im actually quite keen on dancing. I guess the reason is that I am a fan of Jolin and I am also pretty passionate about music.
其中在喜好类话题当中,要注意拓展用不同的方式来表达喜欢和厌恶,不要反复使用I like /I hate:
I like: Im fairly/pretty keen on/Im really into/Im quite a big fan of/I simply adore/Im quite enthusiastic about/I generally prefer
I hate: Im not so keen on... /Im not really that fond of/I totally detest/I absolutely loathe/I really cant stand
Question type 3:types of question: 开花法
e.g. What kinds of books do you like best?
枝干: I like different types of books.
添枝加叶1: However I generally prefer horror stories+ because I love the sense of suspense.
添枝加叶2: While I am also keen on romance stories, for it brings me warmth and also reflect the brightness of life.
Question type 4: would question.
在would question中,重点要注意虚拟语气的使用。
What would you recommend your child to eat?
Question type 5: how often question----一分为二法
对于how often的话题,大多数的回答都是,once a week,或者,twice a month之类的答案。所以我们采取一分为二的方法,让答案更加饱满充分。
e.g. How often do you go to cinema?
Well to be honest, I think I would have to say that it really depends.
(Situation 1)Like for instance, if I have the money, then its quite possible that I will watch a movie in the cinema, two or three times a month.
(Situation 2)You know cinema tickers are pretty pricey in China, wheras in contrast,if Im broke, its more likely that Ill watch movies at home on DVD;you probably know that DVDs are quite cheap here.
对于Part One再次强调一句,要卯足了劲覆盖话题了!
Part two :
一到二分钟的叙述。(part two一般不会出现无话可说的情况,因为你完全可以把答题卡片上的问题当做一个guided question引导你描述)
在part two中,我们有一个重要的万能思维就是无限循环以致无穷。
例如: a teacher---a family member----a person who help you----a person who speaks a different language
a teacher---an interesting course----a gift
a teacher---a happy event---an unforgettable event(人到事)
所以在备考part two的过程中,除了回答好一道题目,烤鸭们可以发散一下自己的思维,看看可不可以应用到更多的题目上,这样,在考场上,碰到类似的题目,也可以随机应变了。
Part three中的十大题型:
1. Opinions on Social Issues/phenomena
2. Opinions on the meaning of various aspects.
3. Changes
4. Comparisons
5. Advantages Disadvantages
6. Stating Your Standards
7. Making Predictions
8. Offering Solutions
9. Explaining Reasons
10.Explaining Importance Role Impact
例如:在回答第一类题型时,要注意用I suspect/believe/suppose/assume或as far as I am concerned 对I think的替代。
对于话题,part three大多是在part two题目的基础上提出一个general question。大体都是问原因,问题,影响,解决途径。所以不要把part three看成是什么高深莫测的题目,考官在乎的并不是答案内容本身,而是我们如何表达。
Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.你懂的。
上一篇: 加强雅思口语听力实力四大要素
下一篇: 雅思口语如何拿高分?需记住八做八不做
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