TIP1 Speak More
TIP2 Giving Examples
要给出一些例子,比如Films题中有这道题:Whats your favourite kind of film?
本题的考点在于测试考生的口语素材中有多少的电影种类,如果你只回答:My favourite is comedy就会很单一了。你可以说:Many of my friends like comedy, some of them fancy tragedy. Im really into horror film:
再比如Hometown题目:Which kind of city do you prefer? Big or Small?
考生可以回答:Big one. I can buy luxury .brands there:
TIP3 Giving Highlight Answers (给出一些有营养的答案)
这些答案必须是非常精彩的,围绕你所被考到的话题的,举个例子:今年考到比较难的一道题Photographs中Do you like taking photos?
I like helping people to capture their brightest moments in life.
No. Im not very photogenic.
Im a bit camera-shy. I dont like the snapshot.
TIP4 Personalizing Ur Answers(个性化自己的答案)
何谓个性化自己的答案就是考生说的要尽量与众不同,比如Driving题目中Why people buy private cars?
考生们可以回答Besides convenience!
there are other reasons:
to show off to match the status to
比如Film题:How often do you go to the cinema?
the spoilers speak aloud in the cinema, releasing the plot.
上一篇: 浅谈雅思口语中修辞的使用
下一篇: 雅思口语辅导教程:两种语言(4)