Version 01 Old person
describe an old man influenced you
1.who was he
2.when did you know him
3.what he did
and explain why he influeced you
Version 02 City
1. where it is located?
2. what special for you?
3. why you want to stay there?
part 3
1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future.
Version 03 Room
1.whats your favorite room in your home
2.what it likes you live
3.what you do in the room normally
and explain why you like it
Version 04 Famous person
part 2
describe a well-known person in history who you would like to meet
1.who this person was
2.what he did
3.what was special about him or her
and explain why you would like to meet him or her
Version 05 Photograph
Version 06 Cloth
Version 07 Furniture
Version 08 Holiday
1.when was it
2.who went with you
3.where was it
and explain why you like best
1.what is different between you an d your parent holidy? to develop chinas tourist ?
3.say something about tourist chang in your life and the positive/nagetive to influence social change
Version 09 Creative ability
什么是Creative ability?
Creative ability对个人、社会的益处?
怎样运用Creative ability?
Version 10 Change in your own life
描述your own life?
your own life有什么重点吗?
your own life中最令人难忘的一幕?
Version 11 Film
Version 12 School
introduce a school you like
1.whats kind of it
2.what size
3.what u enjoy most during the school time
and explain why you like it
Version 13 Travel
describe a exciting trip you made
Version 14 Time in work and leisure
现在人们在work and leisure都爱干什么?
上一篇: 怎样从根本上提高自己的口语水平?
下一篇: 最高频的口语小词(一)
2016年中考英语词组辨析:dress/ put on/ wear/ in/ try on
2016年中考英语词组辨析:bring/ take/ fetch/ get/ carry
2016年中考英语词组辨析:carry on/ carry out/ carry through
2016年中考英语词组辨析:conceal/ hide
2016年中考英语词组辨析:collect/ gather
2016年中考英语词组辨析:difficult/ hard
2016年中考英语词组辨析:be made of / be made from
2016年中考英语词组辨析:centre/ middle
2016年中考英语词组辨析:earth/ ground/floor/field/ land/ soil
2016年中考英语词组辨析:by/ till
2016年中考英语词组辨析:cost/ spend/ pay/ take
2016年中考英语词组辨析:Chinese / of China
2016年中考英语词组辨析:cause/ reason
2016年中考英语词组辨析:drag/ draw/ pull
2016年中考英语词组辨析:city/ town
2016年中考英语词组辨析:crop/ harvest
2016年中考英语词组辨析:die/ dead/ death
2016年中考英语词组辨析:clever/ wise/ bright/ smart
2016年中考英语词组辨析:desk/ table
2016年中考英语词组辨析:care (about) / take care of/ care for
2016年中考英语词组辨析:competition/ game/ match
2016年中考英语词组辨析:by oneself/for oneself/to oneself/of oneself
2016年中考英语词组辨析:certain/ sure
2016年中考英语词组辨析:give a message/leave a message/take a message
2016年中考英语词组辨析:cup/ glass
2016年中考英语词组辨析:desire/ wish/ want/ hope/ expect
2016年中考英语词组辨析:choose/ select/ elect
2016年中考英语词组辨析:colth/clothes/ clothing/ dress/suit
2016年中考英语词组辨析:drill/ exercise/ practice