1. Fluency and Coherence
In general terms, the score for Fluency and Coherence refers to the way that the candidate speaks.
The features described in the marking system for this section include:
1)Ability to produce long responses;
2)How easily the candidate can produce long responses;
3)The amount hesitation;
4)The speed of speech;
5)Use of discourse markers/linking phrases/connectives;
6)The amount of self-correction
2.Lexical REsource
Many people call this sectionas the vocabulary score.
There are some common misunderstanding about how this score is awarded.
I have often been asked the following questions:How many words do I need to know to get vocabulary score of 7?
This question is almost impossible to answer because the marking system does not base the Vocabulary score on how many words you know.
The Vocabulary section of the marking system is based on the type of words you use and how you use them.
The language points featured in this section of the marking system include:
1)Ablility to use less common words;
2)Use of idiomatic language;
4)Ability to talk about unfamiliar topics;
5)Ability to convey precise meaning
3.Grammatical Range and Accuracy
There are two aspects of this score range and accuracy. This score is often misunderstood because many people believe that a high score is awarded if the candidate doesnt make any grammar mistakes. The score in this section is based on a number of different factors including:
1) Sentence formation;
2) Use of clauses;
3) Use of complex structures;
4) Range of tense use;
5) Error density;
6) The level of errors
4. Pronunciation
The first important aspect of this section is that there are only four different socre bands: 2-4-6-8, instead of the nine bands. Approximately 90% of Chinese candidates score 4 or 6 in this section.
上一篇: IELTS口语回答范例二
下一篇: 口语考官对考生期盼什么(下)
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