雅思口语范文:描述咖啡馆 下面是雅思为你带来的雅思口语流行话题,今天介绍的是咖啡馆,进行描述一番,希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。 题目: Describe a caf you have been to. You should say: Where it is. What it looks like. What kinds of services are provided? What kind of food you like there. Why you like it. 范文: Ok right then, well the cafe that Id like to talk to you about is one called Feibi Cafe, which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a few minutes walk from where I live. And as for how often I go there, well I actually go there quite a lot, probably something like once or twice a week. Having said that though, it really kind of depends how busy I am. I mean, there are times when I dont go for weeks on end because Im simply too busy with stuff, but normally thats not the case, and Im there pretty regularly, as I just mentioned. Anyway, regarding what kind of things they serve there, well its great, because theyve got a really good selection of both Chinese and Western food, so theres a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks, theresalso quite a lot on the menu, especially coffee, which you can probably imagine, what with it being a cafe and all. And I tend to normally always go for the Americano coffee, cos I think they do it really well, and so Ive never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu. But anyway, finally then, moving on to why I like this place so much, well Id say its a combination of reasons, one of which would be that its really big and spacious, at least compared to most of the other cafes Ive been to, so you never have to worry about not finding a place to sit. Although having said that, it can sometimes get pretty busy in the evenings, so I usually tend to go in the morning or afternoon. Anyway, another thing to mention would be that the food and drinks there are pretty good-value. Because I mean, most of the Western food there only costs between about 30 to 50 yuan, which is a lot cheaper than most of the other Western restuarants in the city. And the price of the coffee there is round about the same price as Starbucks, which some people might see as expensive, but considering the fact that youre paying for the environment as well as the drink, Id say its definitely worth it. Oh and the other thing I really like about it is that you can spend as much time as you want relaxing there,without being bothered by the waiters. And the chairs there are nice and comfy, so its actually very easy to spend half the day there using the free wifi or doing whatever. So yeah, I guess thats about it! 以上就是雅思这次为备考雅思口语的同学们准备的雅思口语话题题库之咖啡馆的雅思口语答案,考生们可以拿做参考,但实战中最好不要完全照搬,雅思口语范文只是为考生们做个示范,实战中还是要发挥自身的特色。希望大家对雅思口语话题有所熟悉并了解考官的提问思路。
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