第一部分:红色为新题 Accommodation Animals Cars clothes concentration cooking dictionary food hometown Housework Internet languages Leisure time maps museum music names neighbors noise parks photograph rain relatives shopping studies television time toys train work 不难看出,第一部分题目受换题月的影响,大部分题基本没变。新题中除了MAPS 是一道之前没有出现过的题,其他的都是翻新题。 第二部分 1. Describe something that you bought but not use very often. 2. Describe a piece of advice someone ever gave you. 3. Describe a foreign film you enjoyed. 4. Describe something you want to share with other people. 5. Describe a neighbor you ever helped. 6. Describe an indoor game in your childhood. 7. Describe a famous person in a country . 8. Describe your first cell phone. 9. Describe a family celebration that you have attended. 10. Describe a popular law in your country. 11. Describe a school where you studied in your childhood. 12. Describe a foreign country you like to visit for the first time. 13. Describe a city you have ever visited. 14. Describe a language except English that you want to learn. 15. Describe a piece of broken equipment . 16. Describe a holiday you enjoyed. 17. Describe someone who has an interesting job. 18. Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home. 19. Describe a time when you are busy. 20. Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home. 21. Describe a positive change in your life. 22. Describe a sport you like to watch or do. 23. Describe a wedding you attended. 24. Describe something you once forgot to do. 25. Describe a comic actor in your country. 26. Describe an intelligent person you know. 27. An old person you enjoy talking to. 28. Describe a historic building that you visited. 29.Describe a park or garden you visited and liked. 30.Descrbe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting. 31. Describe a dicision you took a long time to make. 32. Describe a high school subject you do not like. 33. Describe a film you didnt like. 34. Describe a group that you would like to be part of. 35. Describe an advertisement that you think is successful. 36.Descirbe an imprtant letter you received. 37. Descirbe an antique or an old object in your family. 38. Describe a foreign culture that you like. 39. Describe something that you saved money for. 40. Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future. 41. Describe a competition you want to take part in. 42. Describe a friend you havent seen for a long time. 43. Describe something special you brought home from a holiday. 44.Describe a hotel you enjoyed staying. 45. Describe a wild animal. 本次的变题很明显地体现在了第二部分,不仅题目数量增加,而且难度也有所增加。第二部分四个类型的题目当中,人物题是变化最小的,基本保持了两名人,一朋友,一老人的原则,名人由之前的国内名人变成了国外名人。地点题除了保持上次题库中的国内国外景点,建筑等,加入了一道新题小时候待过的学校。物品题是变题数最多的题型;首先描述抽象物品的题目增加,如:别人给你的建议,想与他人分享的事,学到的国外文化等,抽象题本来就是学生比较惧怕与排斥的题型,因为对于他们而言具体的物品题更好描述。其次,话题的限定条件也比较具体,这样无形中给考生的描述加大了难度。如:室内游戏;坏了的设备;第一部手机等等,变题趋势上来看,下半年的雅思口语题依然会注重对于过去事件的回忆阐述能力以及对比较抽象类话题的描述。 最后给广大考生一些备考建议:在准备雅思口语第一部分期间建立各个话题的语料库,第一部分每次换题后会出现三十多种话题,每个话题都要准备一些基本的表达,表达的角度可以根据题目的要求从描述,分类,益处,弊端,个人偏好等方面进行整理分类。第二部分的话题卡在准备过程中要注意素材的收集,建议大家最好能把题库中所有的题目按照题目下面的小问题列出大概的作答提纲并根据提纲补充相应的表达,练习过程中注意不同时态之间转换的精准度,大家可以通过录音的方式达到提高对题目的熟练程度和自我更正目的。对于雅思口语想考到6.5分的考生,第三部分一定要给与足够的重视,首先,第三部分的问题形式和内容都相对比较灵活,对于大家的口语思维是很大的挑战。想在第三部分给考官一个好印象并最终提高口语总分,建议大家平时多关注一些国外的播客或者原版网络公开课,在了解完课程内容后记下关键词并且对课程内容进行复述,对口语第三部分不论是内容还是语言都会有本质的提高。祝广大考生早日取得理想成绩。
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