雅思口语零基础学习方法 做任何事情,若想要做好,关键就是一个决心。前辈们英语学得呱呱叫的例子不胜枚举,一本教科书,一部收音机,一台复读机,一本词典,也曾经成就过很多外交官。总言之,英语环境要自己创造,英语角,口语搭档,独自练习都不失为良策。在此主要说说独自练习的方法,因为其可操作性较强。 强烈推荐把口语和听力结合起来一起练习。虽然如今的口语书籍种类繁多,功能各异,但是以本人之见,最好的口语来源莫过于各类场景的听力材料了。雅思听力,托福听力,英语电影,英语广播。在听力过程中,发音,句型,语速都可以得到很好的模仿。 例如:雅思听力中会有这样的场景:The boom of the information economy has somewhat blindfolded the facts of the deteriorating health of our planet. 此话题是在陈述经济发展对于环境的影响,句中,词汇boom, blindfold, deterioration都可以补充到我们的口语中。同时,听力可以帮助我们更好的纠正发音,deterioration就是一例。最重要的,可能也是很多英语学习者都没有意识到的一点是,跟读听力中的长句子,既有利于我们在交际中跟上他人语速的flow,也有助于我们自身运用长句子的能力和表达中断句,语调的把握。 对于教材问题,老师认为,所有你看到的英语都有可能成为你口语的素材。只要你每看到听到英文材料时,设想一下你会不会在某种情况下需要用到如此的表达,如果答案肯定,那么请记录在你的便签本上,平常多翻翻,多念念,甚至于总结下。比如设想下你自己的交际场景,总结下你可能用到的问句和答语。例如:在餐厅点菜,waiter可能问你:May I take your order? 你可能回答: Yes, Ill take rice. Um, no, no, on second thought, bread. 此情况下,on second thought就应该是你总结的句型。口语资料中,选出自己要用的东西,活学活用才能事半功倍。所以,一定要多思考,预想你可能面临的场景。然后自己操练所有的role play。又如,去英语角前,你就该提前准备好自我介绍和至少一个你能够说上至少20分钟的话题。反复演练,然后再去和你的partner交流。谈话中,partners可能会引入更多此方面的话题,这样,你就又多了些素材了。 延伸阅读:雅思口语高分句型 Im terribly sorry. You did a good job. Well, Ive got to go. See you later. Thank you very much. I know what you mean. What are you trying to say? 你到底想说什么? Dont be silly. 别胡闹了。 Today is a great day. While there is a life, there is a hope. I am new in this field. How strong are your glasses? 你近视多少度? Mr.John, havent seen you for a long time. How have you been? I heard that you took a trip to China for two months. How was it? Tell me all about your troubles. Just because. 没有别的原因。 It isnt the way I hoped it would be. 这不是我所盼望的。 You will never guess. 你永远猜不到。 No one could do anything about it. 众人对此束手无措。 I saw something deeply disturbing. 深感事情不妙。 He is a man with a sunny/cheerful disposition. 他是个开朗的人。 Out of sight, out of mind. May I help you to some more vegetable? Its one of the best in town, Im glad you like it. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。 Does it always rain at this time of the year? Do you always have a break at this time of the day? Do you have apartment available for rent? Do you have a job for me?
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