雅思口语Part1难点解析 难题一:Time management Time management系列问题由于较为抽象,一直是中国考生在雅思part1问题中比较害怕被问到的领域。 常考问题: 1. Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way? 范例解析:此题考查的是年轻人群及年长人群在时间规划上的区别,除了可以从两方在时间安排内容的角度答题外,不妨尝试从两方规划时间的手段上的不同来答题。 Generally speaking, young people and older people both use the schedule and list to organize their time. In the past, people used to write down the plan in a schedule book, comparing with the modern society, where people prefer to keep list on electronic devices, such as cell-phone or pc. 2. Would you say you manage your time well? 范例解析:此题为一般疑问句问法,按照英文说话思维,建议考生们在答题一始便给出肯定/否定回答,随后给出原因或体现。 Theoretically, I manage my time well. I adore making plans, to the extent that almost drives my best friend crazy. I like keeping accounts too, which can make clear how I spend my money. However, I am easily influenced by my mood. I think thats the only reason that hinders me from following my schedule. 3. Where did you learn how to organize your time? 范例解析:在朗阁教学课堂中,较多学生对此题的答题思路均为时间规划书籍等,其实优秀的人也可以是学习的一个好渠道。 To some extent, I was affected by my mother, who is a manager of archives in her company. Because her work requires the ability to be logical and organized, this good habit was carried on to me. 4. Do you think its useful to plan your time? 范例解析:在类似的答题偏向较明显的一般疑问句中,建议考生们加上如absolutely, totally等较为明显的表示自己观点的修饰词汇。 Absolutely yes. Actually, planning my time is my conventional habit in my life. Only with the plan, can I keep my daily life logical and organized. Without planning, I would probably miss something important such as my friends wedding ceremony, or the deadline of my thesis. Everything would be in a mess, I think. 5. If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time? 范例解析:该题为假设性问题,因此答案可涉及范围较广,无太多约束。 If I have extra time, I am eager to learn to play the guitar. Frankly, I have learned to play a bunch of instruments already, but they have no enough portability. Guitar would be a better choice to be carried with. Because of the lack of time, I cant play the instruments I learned well. So I want to spend my extra time on playing the guitar and singing along with it. 难题二:Photography Photography也为常见的part1难题领域之一。众多考生觉得需要专业词汇及表达才能较好的回答这一领域问题,其实不然。让我们看看下面的实例。 常考问题: 1. Do you keep your old photos? 范例解析:该题在给出倾向性回答后,可以回答自己保存照片的方法。 Yeah, I keep most of them. Before I had my digital camera, I kept photos in paper form, which was probably easy to turn old and a bit space-consuming. And since I had my digital camera, I have been keeping all the photos in my computer. 2. Do you often see those old photos? 雅思口语Part1难点解析 范例解析:该题的问法可归为频率类问题,关于频率类问题可以从具体频率及抽象频率方面下手答题。具体频率如:once a week, twice every two days; 抽象频率如:often, seldom, hardly等。 Not very often, because I used to put them together in one box which may be placed somewhere in my room. But once I have a chance to tidy the room, I always find them out sitting on the floor and appreciating them one by one. They remind me a lot of my experiences. 3. Whats the meaning of keeping old photos? 范例解析:在回答类似的意义话题时,可尽量往精神层面答题。 Keeping old photos is a direct way to keep memories, just like a cue of memory, which can magically remind you a series of scenes. And to some extent, I think keeping old photos is a collecting hobby. The old photos might be very valuable someday in the future, coz they witnessed the human beings history. 4. What is your most impressive photo? 范例解析:此题除了答生活中真实的照片外,也可答自己印象较深的非自己拍摄的照片。 It is a close-up photo of my favorite dogpearl who has passed away two months ago. This photo was taken 8 years ago, when she was still a little girl. The big black eyes look at the camera innocently. Her face in this photo becomes the most impressive image of her in my mind now.
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