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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  雅思口语范文:未来计划   a) ENGLISH   85. What do you think of the importance of English?   I think that English is very important. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, English allows one to communicate with people from many countries. For example, on the Internet you can talk to anyone in the world that is on the net. Secondly, if one can read English, you can acquire a lot of knowledge. For example, you can read books and magazines from abroad, and surf the net of course.   86. How long have you been studying English?   I have been studying English for six months now. My parents enrolled me into a private school that specializes in English. The school has a good reputation in the city, and has employed a number of foreign teachers on their staff.   87. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?   I find speaking the most difficult. Allow me to explain. Firstly, I am able to read and write English well. I suppose it is because one has the opportunity to think what you are doing. When speaking however, one has no time to think. In addition, when you speak you have to concentrate on your pronunciation. For example, when you are writing you only have to watch your spelling and grammar, but when you speak you have to apply everything you know about the language.   88. What aspect of English do you find the least difficult?   I find that I can write English quite well. For example, I have built up a good vocabulary over the past few months and am able to construct good sentences. This is because I have studied the meaning of all the unfamiliar words that I have come across. In addition, I am constantly expanding my vocabulary by reading English books and newspapers, and watching programs that are in English on the TV.   89. Why do you take the IELTS test?   Firstly, I believe it will give me a good indication of how well I have mastered the language over the past six months. Secondly, I would like to go and study in Australia, and one of the requirements of the university that I want to attend is that I achieve a score of six or more on the IELTS test.   90. What will you do if you fail the IELTS test?   I dont even want to think about it, but I suppose one should be realistic and be prepared for any situation. As my parents would not be able to afford me staying in school any longer, I would have to go and find myself a job. I dont have any qualification or experience, so it will have to be a menial job such as a worker in a factory.   91. What will you do after the IELTS test?   If I am successful and achieve a good grade, I will firstly apply for admission to a university in Australia. Secondly, I will apply for a study visa with the authorities both in China and in Australia. Lastly, I will keep on studying English. There are still many expressions that I would like to master, and I need to expand my vocabulary even further.   b) GENERAL   92. What do you think will happen if China keeps an open policy?   Thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I think China will develop more rapidly. For example, it will ensure more trade with foreign countries. This in turn will create new businesses and they will be able to provide more people with jobs.   93. What are you planning to do in the next ten years?   Do you have any ambitions?   雅思口语范文:未来计划   Well, one of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that I will be studying for the next three years and after that I will find myself a job. After that I really dont know what will happen to me.   93. What are you planning to do in the next ten years?   Do you have any ambitions?   Well, thats an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, I believe it is only a fool who thinks he can predict the future accurately. For example, in todays world things are extremely fluid, and could change overnight. All that I know for sure is that I will be studying for the next three years and after that I will find myself a job. After that I really dont know what will happen to me.   94. What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at a new place?   The first thing I usually do when I arrive at a new place is to find out where the nearest Internet bar is situated. I then go there at the first possible opportunity and play some computer games.   c) STUDIES   95. Do you intend studying abroad? Why?   Yes, I do intend studying abroad. Firstly, I believe the universities are better there. For example, in England they have the best English faculty in the world. In addition, in Australia, they have good facilities for the training of hotel managers. Secondly, I am sure that by studying abroad, I will develop as a person. For example, the exposure to a different culture over a period of three years will help me to understand how other people live.   96. Where, and at what University do you intend to study?   I intend to study in Australia, at he University of Sydney. They have a department that specializes in the training of hotel managers. In addition, the university is linked to a famous catering organization in France. What I mean to say is that the lecturers are the best in the world in their respective fields.   97. Why did you choose this university?   First of all, I believe it is the best university in the world for studying my major. For example, foreign students from all over the world go to study there. Secondly, the fees are not too expensive. There are universities where one has to pay much more just because of the status attached to it. In addition, I like the way they do things there. For instance, they have a buddy system, were a senior student is assigned to a freshman to assist him getting over the difficulties of the initial period.   98. What do you intend studying?   I intend to study Hotel Management. It covers all aspects of managing a hotel. There are for example subjects like catering, finances, decorating, and advertising. Later on I intend to specialize in the financial side of the industry. For example, I would like to prepare financial statements to the directors on how the different hotels in the group are doing.



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