雅思口语范文:A small business-查字典英语网
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雅思口语范文:A small business

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Describe a small business that you would like to own.

  You should say:

  what this business would be

  how you would start/open this business

  how you would run this business

  and explain why you would like to run this kind of business.


  What this business would be?

  I want to open a small business. It will be a place for kids to go after school, a kind of childcare centre in the neighborhood. My town desperatelyneeds a place like this.

  How you would start/open this business?

  Honestly, I have no idea how to go about it. But common sense tells me that the key to starting a successful business is to develop a business plan and then get financial support. But unlike other businesses, this caregiving business does not have to be a profitableorganization.

  However, helping kids is the crucial thing that we should do. So I would contact some local non-profit organizations and talk with them to see if they can help me in any way.

  How you would run this business?

  There will be food, video games, pinball, and a dance floor. I will also hire co-ordinators there to help kids with homework and other kinds of stuff. The business would operate on a menbership scheme, I mean those who want to join have to register and pay annual fee first. There will be individual membership fee and family membership fee which is quite a bargain.Then the members will be entitled to enjoy the refreshments in the memebers lounge.

  and explain why you would like to run this kind of business.

  I would like to start this business because first of all, theres great demand around my neighborhood. The typicalprimary schools or secondary schools in China normally end at 4p.m. But the working hours for most parents is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The centre will be a good place for the child to stay until their parents come to pick them up after work. Also I could set up a nursery or a kindergartencatering for kids who are in tender ages. One of my friends works as a kindergarten teacher. She said that it was so much fun to work with children.They are cute, and very trusting....it is trulely a very promising and worthwhile career--very rewarding as well....


  1. What kinds of small business are most popular in China?

  One of the most popular small businesses here in China is to set up an online business. You can sell anything from clothes to antiques .



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