雅思口语模拟真题练习之Hobby Questions-查字典英语网
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雅思口语模拟真题练习之Hobby Questions

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. What do you like doing in your spare time?

  2. Have you got a hobby? If so, what is it?

  3. Is it an expensive hobby in your country?

  4. What do teenagers like doing in your country?

  5. What hobbies are usually expensive in your country?

  6. What do you like about your hobby?

  7. How much time do you spend on your hobby?

  8. Is your hobby a common hobby in your country?

  9. Are them any new hobbies that you would like to take up?

  10. Have you ever been abroad?

  11. What other countries have you visited?

  12. Are there any countries you would like to visit?

  13. What do you find interesting / difficult about travelling?

  14. What is your preferred method of travel?

  15. Who would you like most to go on holiday with?

  16. What was the best / worst holiday youve ever had?

  17. How would you like to travel around?

  18. Are there any games / sports that you watch but dont play / do?

  19. What games / sports do you play / do?

  20. What games / sports are you good at?

  21. Are there any activities that yobs hate? Why?

  22. What games are not played much in your country?

  23. Which sport is the most popular in your country?



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