雅思口语范文:a party-查字典英语网
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雅思口语范文:a party

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A year-end party/Christmas Party

  At the end of year, a party is organized by companies to say thank-you to employees and clients.

  Like all parties, finger foods are provided with plenty of wine, gifts,and a lot of singing and dancing. The part I enjoy the most is seeing people as well as shouting and having fun.

  As a teacher, I dont see all other fellow teachers very often, we cause we teach at different locations and at different times.Its a pleasure to see co-workers again.

  There are performance by teachers. But the noise overrun the performance. However no one cares as it is the boisterous atmosphere we want.

  In December this year, there are quite a few parties to go,but I pick only two of them,one is with my university classmates, the other is with the gym members. I havent met some of my classmates for over 20 years.I really look forward to it. As for the gym one,its going to be fun seeing all kinds of stunts by the coaches.



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