雅思口语高频话题:Environmental problem-查字典英语网
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雅思口语高频话题:Environmental problem

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Describe an environmental problem in a place that u have been to.

  You should say:

  what this problem is

  what the causes of the problem are

  how this problem affects people

  and explain how you think this problem could be solved.


  If the words just say, a place you have been to, you could talk about a part of your hometown that has an environmental problem - you dont have to talk about going to a place away from your hometown.

  考生注意:这个话题卡虽然是问a place that u have been to,我们依然可以描述自己的家乡城市。不必要一定说自己曾经去过的某个远离家乡的地方。

  what this problem is

  Im not talking about air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion or anything like that. Sometime we should calm down, watch the things around us carefully, may not solve the problems we ken, but solve the problems we can. Ryt, im from Beijing, iv lived here since the moment i was born. The biggest environmental problem in my eyes is the Spitting.


  Beijing, actually, China is developing super fast in recent years. But a world of people restored their bad habit and they spit everywhere. As u can see, now and then, whether in the street, on the bus, or in city gardens, we will see some people, sorry, many people Im afraid, the fine ladies, gentlemen and even kids spitting without feeling a bit ashamed. They just turn a blind eye to where the NO SPITTING shown. 北京,确切说是整个中国在飞速发展。但是还有很多人保留了他们的坏习惯,随地吐痰。就像你看到的,不管是在大街上,公车上,公园里,我们总能看到一些人,不,恐怕是很多人: 男人、女人、甚至还有小孩面无羞涩的随地吐痰。他们对禁止随地吐痰的警示视而不见。

  what the causes of the problem are

  I dont know what they were thing about but know what they think about: They feel released and have freedom in fresh open air and they think the earth is a gigantic spittoon.


  how this problem affects people

  Spitting does great harm to public health. Have u ever noticed the street, the road... sputa everywhere, aye? At least 40% people are keeping this ugly habit. One single sputum contains thousands upon thousands of germs and viruses. How many people in Beijing? How many viruses they are gonna produce? U do the maths!


  explain how you think this problem could be solved

  To solve this problem, education doesnt work, self-disciplined neither. The law of punishment should be enforced, or even torture if needed. In the bible: every tree that no bringeth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. And now the axe is to be laid unto the root of the trees.




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