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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?



  This is a rather controversial question.

  Im not an expert in education.

  But from my personal observation, the following conclusions seem obvious.

  We have to understand everything has pros and cons.

  Now the benefits of grouping student according to their level of ability may include the following two points.

  First of all, if students are grouped that way,

  everybody in the class is on the same page with the rest of the class.

  The teacher can teach much more smoothly this way.

  And its easier for the teacher to develop the students potential.

  Secondly, students will compete against each other just so that they can all get into a fast class. Competition will make them strong, its healthy.

  Obviously, nothing can be all good.

  The problems of grouping students according to their ability is that this may create discrimination and prejudice among students.

  The fast students think theyre better than the slow students and become blind to the fact that you can learn from anybody and everybody.

  This is bad for their long-term development.

  And also, such a system will destroy the equality of education and will create social problems.

  Young people become elitist.

  This can be the root to many social pressure.



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