雅思口语话题model answer:a person-查字典英语网
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雅思口语话题model answer:a person

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Describe a person who is controversial

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  What does he do

  Why is he controversial

  What do you think of him

  Initially then, Id like to get started by looking at who the person is, and the one Id pick is Fan Meizhong, who is a teacher of a secondary school in Sichuan province, the place where the terrible earth quake in May 12th happened. Going on to my next point which is why he is famous, and what I have to mention here is that when the earth quake happened, Mr. Fan, as the class advisor of more than 40 students, was the first person running out of the classroom, leaving all his students unprotected. Whats more, afterwards , he even wrote an article about the incident on his blog to defend for himself, claiming that he didnt feel guilty for his behavior at all and it was only natural for a person to think of his own interests instead of trying to save others at the cost of his own life. His remark , consequently, immediately aroused great controversy among netizens. While some people strongly criticized his behavior as inhumane and even nicknamed him as Running-away Fan to ridicule him, some argued that what he did was out of nothing but human nature. To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of my opinion on him, what Id like to make clear is that I understand his reaction under such emergency but on no account should he have expressed his feelings on his blog publicly.



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