雅思口语part 2话题:An Outdoor Place for Relaxation-查字典英语网
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雅思口语part 2话题:An Outdoor Place for Relaxation

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  An Outdoor Place for Relaxation

  Describe an outdoor place you have been to where you felt relaxed.

  You should say:

  when you went there

  where it was

  what it was like

  what you did there

  and explain why you felt relaxed in this place.

  Part 3


  In cities and big towns, why do you think people need to find a special place in order to relax?

  Besides the example you spoke about in Part 2, are there other places in cities where people go to relax?

  Do you think the way people in big cities relax is the same as the way people in the countryside relax?

  Which do you think is more suitable for relaxation, staying at home or going out?

  Some people say its not so easy to relax at home. Why do you think they might say that?

  Do you prefer to relax alone or with other people?

  Why do you think some people find it easier to relax than other people?

  Do you think music can help people to relax?

  In what ways are old people and young people different when it comes to relaxing?

  Why do you think some people play sports as a way to relax?


  Sometimes a holiday is stressful when it should be relaxing. Can you suggest why this happens?

  Whats the most stressful holiday in your country?

  Do you think traveling is a good way to relax?

  Where do most people in your country prefer to go during a holiday, travel to the outskirts of the city or travel further away?

  What are some possible problems that people can have when they travel ?




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