雅思口语part 2话题:An Exciting Experience-查字典英语网
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雅思口语part 2话题:An Exciting Experience

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  An Exciting Experience

  Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting.

  You should say:

  when you did it

  where you were when you did it

  who you did it with

  and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

  Part 3

  Some people think that its good to experience new things, such as exploring new places. Do you agree?

  Do you think it is important to have a willingness to attempt new things?

  What are some of the difficulties a person might have when they try something new?

  Are you willing to experience new things? What activities?

  Why do people generally like new experiences?

  Why do some people dislike experiencing new things?

  Do you think its better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are older?




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