雅思口语Part 2话题练习30题-查字典英语网
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雅思口语Part 2话题练习30题

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  雅思从雅思口语考试真题里整理出了一些雅思口语Part 2的话题练习,供考生们参考使用,考生们在平时可以多说多练,为雅思口语考试做好充分的准备。

  1. Describe an occasion where you should be polite.

  2. Describe an impressive teacher in your high school

  3. Describe an exciting experience

  4. Describe a natural beauty

  5. Describe a child you know

  6. Describe a happy event in your family

  7. Describe a wild animal

  8. Describe a wedding youve attended

  9. Describe a TV program/ Film

  10. Describe one of your family members who lead an interesting life

  11. Describe a team/ group work you have ever done

  12. Describe the most difficult thing you have met in your life

  13. Describe a gift you once sent to your friend

  14. Describe one of your friends you havent seen for a long time

  15. Describe a historical event

  16. Describe your favorite weather

  17. Describe your favorite musical band

  18. Describe a book you have read

  19. Describe your favorite way of communication

  20. Describe an amusing thing you read in the book or saw in the TV program

  21. Describe the convenience that the high-tech products has brought you

  22. Describe your ideal job

  23. Describe a street/village you know

  24. Describe a toy you got when you were a child

  25. Describe a team/ organization you have attended

  26. Describe a celebrity

  27. Describe a vehicle you want to buy

  28. Describe a place with a lot of water

  29. Describe a physical exercise

  30. Describe an advertisement



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